The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by theYemster »

wanaj0 wrote:
oloye wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
pajimoh wrote:Best thing for goon is for Wenger to stay. Lay a decent foundation and plan a structured hand over. In fact before he leaves Arsenal will do well to make his replacement work with him for a year. You don't run a place for over 20 years, remove yourself and expect things to carry on smoothly
Wenger is no fool, he is aware of the unrest around him and the club, but not as a fan would be. All his ex-players talk about his fighting qualities, he will take his current adversity as a spur to prove people wrong. He has always done this, I am convinced he will prove everyone wrong once again.
Like he has been proving them wrong in the last 12 yrs winning 2 FA cups in the process..kai my brother i bow for ya loyalty :thumbs:
Unfortunately, it will get more difficult. JM in his latest interview made it clear that it is tougher now to win the EPL. You now have about 6 or 7 real contenders. JM stated that the time of Man U winning EPL every year is gone. Top 4 is no longer guaranteed for Wenger. That is the sad reality..

Even before the building of the stadium, he was not able to compete in Europe. Now that the 'best' in Europe are now in the EPL, Wenger is finding it tough and it can only get tougher.

Wenger is not a bad manager. However, he has his limitations. He cannot produce beyond his competency.
This is a point I try to make to many Wenger loyalists when they trump his accomplishments as reason to allow him stay in perpetuity. I acknowledge his immense contributions to the Arsenal cause however I also recognize the fact that his abilities are somewhat exaggerated. He only won titles when the EPL was a two horse race, Arsenal and United. Since then he's struggled. To blame it all on the stadium is blatantly dishonest.

Money isn't going away from the sport so if Wenger can't compete against moneybags then he should stop aside and lets find us someone who can.

Not trying to disrespect the man...but it is what it is.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Ebyboy »

Waffiman wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:Good sources now claiming Wenger has signed a new 2 year deal with promises from the Board to make funds available for major squad overhaul.

If true. It is the ultimate F**k you to the Wenger outers who have done so much damage to the club this season.

IMHO, AFC fans have reaped what they've sown. All the s**t off field is now being reflected on it. No confidence.
oh waffi you do love entertaining narratives ..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I told you ages ago this was a done deal, that Arsenal had 0 succession plan for AW , AW 2 year extension was fait de complete, whilst you stated results would decide AW's fate... :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

This has nothing to do with a youtube channel, social media or sending a message to fans..this is about straight cash homie, and in Stan Kroenke eyes Mr. Wenger is a more and no less.
Assuming the stories are true. Because nothing is official and I tend to be cautious about these things.

On the contrary. Like you, I felt from the outset that he will sign his contract eventually. But I also heard from good sources that he had not signed because of a disagreement with funds for the squad from the Board in the light of the spending by the competition following the failure of FFP which the Arsenal Board and Wenger banked on to level the spending field. For example, Chelsea's wage bill for the 2014/15 season was £23m more than Arsenal wage bill for the 2015/16 season. ManU's was £37m more for the 2015/16 season. This, despite Arsenal additions to the squad.The irony is, Arsenal finishing above Chelsea and ManU influenced the Board with their spending decision and they expected Wenger to improve despite the competition outspending us once again in the summer. I was also one of those who expected us to improve in terms of points and finish 1st or 2nd. I was wrong this time around.

You cannot continue to get away, season after season, with putting yourself in an inferior competitive position. We all know what wage bill of sport men tell us in all sports. The best sport men get paid the most money in wages and everything else. Arsenal wage bill is clear, it is telling us bar 2 or 3 players, we do not have anything close to the best, but we have somehow come to expect to compete and beat the best with the sort of wages disadvantage I mentioned above. We have gotten away with it for too long. It is no coincidence that we cannot cope with the top teams when we are missing 2 or 3 of our best players. This season, like last season is now showing we cannot also expect to beat the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th placed teams when missing 3 to 4 of our best players.

With growing fans expectations, Wenger pressed for more funds to sign better quality proven players in the EPL. He got no support from the Board, and he did not sign his contract. This was a big mistake, because it gave Ozil and Sanchez the ready excuse to hold the club and their team mates hostages. It is no secret that Sanchez and Ozil do not think much of a few of their team mates playing abilities, while Ozil has been less vocal, he has been petulent on the pitch when a team mate he does not rate tries to point out anything to him. Sanchez has been down right disrespectful to all.

With the players, the excuses got better as they hid behind the fans who went after the Manager in social media and certain elements of the press. But at the Emirates stadium, Wenger still held sway, the fans did not turn against him. Instead, it is the players that got it game after game as fans turned against them. When the Away support grew in numbers to sing, 'we want Wenger out' at the Bayern game, I felt, Wenger's time was up. I felt the fans will turn at the Emirates, I also felt Wenger will walk because he will not want to see the fighting amongst the fans. But I was wrong, the protests and protesters were an embarrassment. One even protested against Vic Akers - the Kit Manager. They were goaded, booed and insulted at the Emirates stadium. At best there were 200 of them, although many in the press say 100.

I think many of the 'Wenger Outers' got it wrong, they thought their campaign will gather support and the Manager will be forced out, so far they have failed. What they have done is make many now defend Wenger because of their tactics. Indeed, they have turned a lot of the support against them and it has got to the point where Arsenal fans now stand and hurl insults at the 'Wenger Outers and protesters. I have seen this at the last 2 games at the Emirates. What I have observed is, and I posted this here when I gave a breakdown of how I saw the split in the fan base, even those who feel Wenger's time is up have developed a deep hatred and resentment for those fans who they see as not speaking for them because of how they have conducted themselves.

I actually now believe is Wenger, who is known as a real fighter - go read the books of his ex-players - has now realised he made a mistake not signing the contract cos it has led to the uncertainty at the club and both players and fans have now taken advantage. I think the Board and Wenger have now decided arrest the situation and show who is in real control. I gave an example with the Fergie situation and ManU those years ago a few weeks ago. I also feel, Wenger instead of walking away has realised he must stand up to the 'Wenger Outers' and take them head on. I personally applaud this move.

I believe strongly that the Board and Wenger have not come this far to see all what they have worked so hard in the past 12 years disintegrate, especially when they are on the verge of making the final leap in terms of finances. The new sponsorship deals for example are almost due, the club cannot put itself in a weak position of not being in the CL. They have come together, sending a clear message to their detractors that we are the ones in control of this club. For me, the question now is, is it all too little too late?

Having said the above, let us not get away from one fact, all the problems we have now, is the makings of the Manager and the Board. When you have a wage bill deficit of £37m on a close rival, you have so much scope to do better than we did in the summer. We had even more scope when you consider the amount of money the rivals spent. Clubs we have always dismissed like Liverpool and Spuds improved by buying proven EPL quality. We were arrogant and we made mistakes. We had to get Kante, we had to give Ozil and Sanchez new deals, we had to improve the overall quality by taking a loss on one or two under performing players and letting them go to make room for new proven and better players in the EPL or top money for top players outside of the league. When our competitors spent money, we did, but we spent far less on mainly development players. We failed to get the balance right. We also kept at least 2 under performing players which we should have shipped out, via loan or sold for better players. We have gotten away with it for too long but this season, it has caught up with us both in the dressing room and on the pitch. In the dressing room, it has gotten nasty as the players who have been carrying the under performers have hit out. Not saying they were right because they have been unprofessional. I bet they would have handled things better had they foreseen the consequences of their actions.

On top of all of this, we have a Manager who set the way by creating uncertainty with his contract situation, we may have gotten away with this sort of contract situation in the past but the Board and Manager were too arrogant and dismissive of the threat this situation posed in certain sections of the fan base till it was all too late. When three years ago, Gazidis raised the fans’ hopes when he boasted, “We should be able to compete at a level like a club such as Bayern Munich. We can do some things which would excite you. I say that this is an extraordinarily ambitious club.” You then start missing out on number one targets in the transfer market, to rub salt into injury, we see the same Bayern Munich outclass us in every dept of the pitch, you create trouble for yourself. Just be honest and let the fans know the truth. Arsenal have a waiting list for Season Tickets of over 12 years. There is no chance of them not selling the STs, so why tell fibs and create grief for yourself? Arsenal are fortunate with me, I am financially secure enough to say, I will have a ST for the rest of my life. I know many like me, the club knows it, so why the BS?

For me, I have loyalty to the Manager because of his loyalty to us in our deepest time of need. I have faith in the Board and Manager because of their achievements in the last 12 years. I also believe the Board is right to stick with the Manager because they know their role in this mess of a season we are experiencing. I also believe that one poor season where we are performing below expectation and resources is not enough to panic. I see far too many great and good things at Arsenal, what we must not do is throw the baby away with the bathwater. I am glad we have a Board that is wise enough to this.
Waffi my man! I like when you are in this mood! If only our players can play
defense like you :sneaky: .

For many years upon this spot
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Chief Ogbunigwe »

danfo driver wrote:
realtrouble wrote:
danfo driver wrote:
Skylolo wrote:
tolahs wrote:Some of y'all need to miss me with this squad overhaul b/s - for real.
You can't teach an old 'd' new tricks.
We've a gaffer who disrespects the concept of team defense - dismisses notions of alternative formations - consistently ignores opps to exploit team weaknesses of the opposition.
He knows the faults - been called out a zillion times on them - keeps telling us about our mental strength - might it just be that some of the players are tired of pretending they're learning under a dude who's refused to evolve as a coach.
Arsenal is the worst team in the EPL defending w/o the ball - one shudders to think what their drill sessions look like - it's not about players, it's about a gaffer closed to other ideas, too proud to delegate & making us enablers to this ego trip.
2014/15 - Second best defence in the league overall

2015/16 - Second best defence in the league overall

:roll: :roll:

Pure arrogant ignorance pontificate. My brother, you and I have supported this club for 26 years! Me for 25 and you for 1 year. We have had the second best defense for years now and he is here talking about lack of defensive ability. Even when Leicester won the league, we had the second best defense! This is what we have to deal with at the emirates, with the johnny come latelies. They think we suffer fools lighly, simply because we dont respond to some of their childish rants. I have said it before and will say it again, everytime Kolcieny plays, we always lead by 1-0. What the club has to do, and I have been told by Phillipe Auclair, that the manager is going to spend a lot of money on cloning. Never again, are we going into a season with only one Kolcieny. That has affected us and thats why we have the second best defense. With two or three Kolcienies, I can assure you that we will have the first best defense.
My friend it's not the personal but the tactics of using Zonal marking against West Brom, AW is not flexible in his tactics.
This is the problem I have with most of you. Arsene Wenger was the first manager to implement zonal marking in England. There is nothing about Zonal marking that Wenger does not know. In fact, when wenger was using scientific methods to detail the application of Zonal marking, all the coaches in England were still using man-to-man marking. I remember, during wenger's 2nd season, tey held a conference at Highbury, were the other 19 coaches came to learn from Wenger. And here you are telling me that Wenger is not flexible. The problem with most of you is that you have gone where the sun dont shine and your eyes are closed. We true Gooners know that when it comes to flexibility, no one can do yoga more than Arsene Wenger. This is a manager who actually introduced yoga into training regime in England. Please, if you are not going to respect the manager who changed the way defense is played in this league, then you should just watch your mouth!
Don't mind him. He has never been to the Emirates, but he is challenging Great Ones like Wenger and Waffi.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Chief Ogbunigwe »

wanaj0 wrote:
oloye wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
pajimoh wrote:Best thing for goon is for Wenger to stay. Lay a decent foundation and plan a structured hand over. In fact before he leaves Arsenal will do well to make his replacement work with him for a year. You don't run a place for over 20 years, remove yourself and expect things to carry on smoothly
Wenger is no fool, he is aware of the unrest around him and the club, but not as a fan would be. All his ex-players talk about his fighting qualities, he will take his current adversity as a spur to prove people wrong. He has always done this, I am convinced he will prove everyone wrong once again.
Like he has been proving them wrong in the last 12 yrs winning 2 FA cups in the process..kai my brother i bow for ya loyalty :thumbs:
Unfortunately, it will get more difficult. JM in his latest interview made it clear that it is tougher now to win the EPL. You now have about 6 or 7 real contenders. JM stated that the time of Man U winning EPL every year is gone. Top 4 is no longer guaranteed for Wenger. That is the sad reality..

Even before the building of the stadium, he was not able to compete in Europe. Now that the 'best' in Europe are now in the EPL, Wenger is finding it tough and it can only get tougher.

Wenger is not a bad manager. However, he has his limitations. He cannot produce beyond his competency.

Your first serious Arsenal post that wasn't made to yab us.
AFCON 2019 sweet o
Barren for 37 yrs no good o

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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

theYemster wrote:
wanaj0 wrote:
oloye wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
pajimoh wrote:Best thing for goon is for Wenger to stay. Lay a decent foundation and plan a structured hand over. In fact before he leaves Arsenal will do well to make his replacement work with him for a year. You don't run a place for over 20 years, remove yourself and expect things to carry on smoothly
Wenger is no fool, he is aware of the unrest around him and the club, but not as a fan would be. All his ex-players talk about his fighting qualities, he will take his current adversity as a spur to prove people wrong. He has always done this, I am convinced he will prove everyone wrong once again.
Like he has been proving them wrong in the last 12 yrs winning 2 FA cups in the process..kai my brother i bow for ya loyalty :thumbs:
Unfortunately, it will get more difficult. JM in his latest interview made it clear that it is tougher now to win the EPL. You now have about 6 or 7 real contenders. JM stated that the time of Man U winning EPL every year is gone. Top 4 is no longer guaranteed for Wenger. That is the sad reality..

Even before the building of the stadium, he was not able to compete in Europe. Now that the 'best' in Europe are now in the EPL, Wenger is finding it tough and it can only get tougher.

Wenger is not a bad manager. However, he has his limitations. He cannot produce beyond his competency.
This is a point I try to make to many Wenger loyalists when they trump his accomplishments as reason to allow him stay in perpetuity. I acknowledge his immense contributions to the Arsenal cause however I also recognize the fact that his abilities are somewhat exaggerated. He only won titles when the EPL was a two horse race, Arsenal and United. Since then he's struggled. To blame it all on the stadium is blatantly dishonest.

Money isn't going away from the sport so if Wenger can't compete against moneybags then he should stop aside and lets find us someone who can.

Not trying to disrespect the man...but it is what it is.
:agree: He has his limitation and like you said no disrespect,he should step down.Top 4 will not be guarantee anymore he only finish top 4 because we were among the best top 4 teams.Even during his best years like the invincible he failed in Europe big time,What did he do with the invincible in Europe when likes of Monaco and Porto make the CL final in 2004?
Wenger can't take us any further and CL football is not guarantee anymore.He keep buying the wrong players and over price them like Xhaka,35million,Mustafi 30 million,why not get a decent CD in EPL and Kante that Chelsea pay 25 million?Wenger is a dictator and his ex players have said no one question him his words are final.When he enter the room every one silent.He always like to be incharge.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

danfo driver wrote:
kofi86 wrote:
I mean honestly, after all those years of excuses and BS etc what must happen for Waffi to admit how blind he was for such a long time?

You dont know Wafoolishman! :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

100%Naija wrote:
tolahs wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Skylolo wrote:
tolahs wrote:Some of y'all need to miss me with this squad overhaul b/s - for real.
You can't teach an old 'd' new tricks.
We've a gaffer who disrespects the concept of team defense - dismisses notions of alternative formations - consistently ignores opps to exploit team weaknesses of the opposition.
He knows the faults - been called out a zillion times on them - keeps telling us about our mental strength - might it just be that some of the players are tired of pretending they're learning under a dude who's refused to evolve as a coach.
Arsenal is the worst team in the EPL defending w/o the ball - one shudders to think what their drill sessions look like - it's not about players, it's about a gaffer closed to other ideas, too proud to delegate & making us enablers to this ego trip.
2014/15 - Second best defence in the league overall

2015/16 - Second best defence in the league overall

:roll: :roll:
Why do you think I was laughing? I do love it when ignorance is pontificated with such arrogance. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You're pretend-laughing cos for you it's a crapshoot - your badge of honour right now is in the style of Hamas beat your chest proclaiming victory about a signed contract - as usual ignoring the crassness & lack of dignity involved in shameless leaks. This is the sorta victory you celebrate - wow!!!
You could give 2 hoots about that club - for you it's about clique worshiping a dude who cannot accept failure - you're helping turn our club into a sorrowful script. It was dueling msgs flown across an away stadium the last match - what's next - belly dancers fighting on our pitch with AW in vs AW out tops on???
Do what every reasonable person does and ignore him. There's nothing worth discussing with Waffi except wishing him and his family well during the holiday periods.

I used to wonder how slave catchers convinced Africans to sell their brothers and sisters until I ran into blind/sheepish support. Nothing you say or do will change some of our fellow jejely sound your alarm and keep it pushing.
:agree: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

danfo driver wrote:
realtrouble wrote:
danfo driver wrote:
Skylolo wrote:
tolahs wrote:Some of y'all need to miss me with this squad overhaul b/s - for real.
You can't teach an old 'd' new tricks.
We've a gaffer who disrespects the concept of team defense - dismisses notions of alternative formations - consistently ignores opps to exploit team weaknesses of the opposition.
He knows the faults - been called out a zillion times on them - keeps telling us about our mental strength - might it just be that some of the players are tired of pretending they're learning under a dude who's refused to evolve as a coach.
Arsenal is the worst team in the EPL defending w/o the ball - one shudders to think what their drill sessions look like - it's not about players, it's about a gaffer closed to other ideas, too proud to delegate & making us enablers to this ego trip.
2014/15 - Second best defence in the league overall

2015/16 - Second best defence in the league overall

:roll: :roll:

Pure arrogant ignorance pontificate. My brother, you and I have supported this club for 26 years! Me for 25 and you for 1 year. We have had the second best defense for years now and he is here talking about lack of defensive ability. Even when Leicester won the league, we had the second best defense! This is what we have to deal with at the emirates, with the johnny come latelies. They think we suffer fools lighly, simply because we dont respond to some of their childish rants. I have said it before and will say it again, everytime Kolcieny plays, we always lead by 1-0. What the club has to do, and I have been told by Phillipe Auclair, that the manager is going to spend a lot of money on cloning. Never again, are we going into a season with only one Kolcieny. That has affected us and thats why we have the second best defense. With two or three Kolcienies, I can assure you that we will have the first best defense.
My friend it's not the personal but the tactics of using Zonal marking against West Brom, AW is not flexible in his tactics.
This is the problem I have with most of you. Arsene Wenger was the first manager to implement zonal marking in England. There is nothing about Zonal marking that Wenger does not know. In fact, when wenger was using scientific methods to detail the application of Zonal marking, all the coaches in England were still using man-to-man marking. I remember, during wenger's 2nd season, tey held a conference at Highbury, were the other 19 coaches came to learn from Wenger. And here you are telling me that Wenger is not flexible. The problem with most of you is that you have gone where the sun dont shine and your eyes are closed. We true Gooners know that when it comes to flexibility, no one can do yoga more than Arsene Wenger. This is a manager who actually introduced yoga into training regime in England. Please, if you are not going to respect the manager who changed the way defense is played in this league, then you should just watch your mouth!
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

platinum wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
platinum wrote::rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Ahh Arsenal.
Wenger is staying, so get used to it. :sneaky:
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Waffiman »

realtrouble wrote:
Skylolo wrote:
tolahs wrote:Some of y'all need to miss me with this squad overhaul b/s - for real.
You can't teach an old 'd' new tricks.
We've a gaffer who disrespects the concept of team defense - dismisses notions of alternative formations - consistently ignores opps to exploit team weaknesses of the opposition.
He knows the faults - been called out a zillion times on them - keeps telling us about our mental strength - might it just be that some of the players are tired of pretending they're learning under a dude who's refused to evolve as a coach.
Arsenal is the worst team in the EPL defending w/o the ball - one shudders to think what their drill sessions look like - it's not about players, it's about a gaffer closed to other ideas, too proud to delegate & making us enablers to this ego trip.
2014/15 - Second best defence in the league overall

2015/16 - Second best defence in the league overall

:roll: :roll:
My friend it's not the personal but the tactics of using Zonal marking against West Brom, AW is not flexible in his tactics.
You say it is not personal. Okay I take your word for it.

Are you saying the tactics of using Zonal marking against West Brom was wrong? Why?

The same Zonal marking he has used against West Brom before and after Pulis arrived. Bearing in mind, the fact that since Pulis arrived, West Brom have score the most goals from Corner and Free kicks in the league. How many goals have West Brom scored against us from corners prior to that game? I have all the stats, so I know. When people talk so authoritatively out of ignorance, that is what is wrong. I see too much of it here. It is ridiculous and to be honest I ignore it most of the time. Once in a while, I will make an exception and people get offended. Why? What I find offensive is posting ignorance with such arrogance. I will call it out. I do not care for bad belle people here, I actually enjoy seeing their bad belle. If you are in my ignore list, I do not see or read your post, so whatever you write about me is no skin off my nose. Simple as that.

Arsenal Zonal mark from Corners, they have done so consistently for 3 seasons. Initially, there were teething problems, especially when the ball is placed outside of the 6 yard zone. Go and have a look at the stats for goals conceded from corners especially in the last 2 seasons, you will be surprised at Arsenal position. I give you a hint, it is toward to top, not the bottom. Arsenal, contrary to what many will have you believe, we are quite good at defending corners with their zonal marking system.

The Zonal marking system was not to blame but the players who lost their nerve and did not do their jobs properly. Arsenal have used Zonal marking in stopping corner since the time of George Graham, since Bouldy became the Assistant to Wenger, we returned to Zonal marking and it has been very good until that game, where the implementation was shambolic.

There is nothing wrong with having an opinion, we all have our opinion and are entrenched in our positions. That's fine, its football, its life. What is wrong is believing and/or trying to make people believe your opinion is fact. Why do people state their opinion so authoritatively and back it up with falsehoods?

BTW! Your opinion on Wenger and tactics is wrong. In a game where everything is picked and analysed, you cannot stay at the top like he has done if your tactics is rigid and inflexible. The fact that you have an attacking philosophy with an attacking system does not mean you are tactically rigid.
Arsène Wenger at Arsenal, 1996 to 2018. I was there.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Waffiman »

tolahs wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Skylolo wrote:
tolahs wrote:Some of y'all need to miss me with this squad overhaul b/s - for real.
You can't teach an old 'd' new tricks.
We've a gaffer who disrespects the concept of team defense - dismisses notions of alternative formations - consistently ignores opps to exploit team weaknesses of the opposition.
He knows the faults - been called out a zillion times on them - keeps telling us about our mental strength - might it just be that some of the players are tired of pretending they're learning under a dude who's refused to evolve as a coach.
Arsenal is the worst team in the EPL defending w/o the ball - one shudders to think what their drill sessions look like - it's not about players, it's about a gaffer closed to other ideas, too proud to delegate & making us enablers to this ego trip.
2014/15 - Second best defence in the league overall

2015/16 - Second best defence in the league overall

:roll: :roll:
Why do you think I was laughing? I do love it when ignorance is pontificated with such arrogance. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You're pretend-laughing cos for you it's a crapshoot - your badge of honour right now is in the style of Hamas beat your chest proclaiming victory about a signed contract - as usual ignoring the crassness & lack of dignity involved in shameless leaks. This is the sorta victory you celebrate - wow!!!
You could give 2 hoots about that club - for you it's about clique worshiping a dude who cannot accept failure - you're helping turn our club into a sorrowful script. It was dueling msgs flown across an away stadium the last match - what's next - belly dancers fighting on our pitch with AW in vs AW out tops on???
More rubbish and BS from you. Just admit you were wrong. :taunt: :taunt: :taunt: :taunt:

This is the problem with you, you pontificate so much ignorance, I have long given up with taking you seriously. In fact, I read your posts and laugh, concluding, man is clueless. I'm sorry you take offense at me calling out your BS but I ignore it most of the time. I just had to have some fun with this one.

Do you remember your BS about tactical innovations? I called you out and you disappeared like snow in the Sahara. I am still waiting for you to name one tactical innovation in football in the last 10 years. :taunt: :taunt: :taunt: :taunt:
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Gooner1 »

Wenger is going to stay for another 2yrs....fact
his extension will expose the rot that is festering in the board room.....
the on field performances will be dire....
“If this year, you cannot compete with Spurs, with all the respect I have for them, and Leicester, then change your sport. I’m sorry.” Emmanuel Petit

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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Waffiman »

Gooner1 wrote:Wenger is going to stay for another 2yrs....fact
his extension will expose the rot that is festering in the board room.....
the on field performances will be dire....
You are an intelligent man and you are nobody's fool. You and I do not agree on Wenger, but our discourse over our disagreement is full of respect for one another, like I have with many I disagree with here.

But your post here has me wondering if you are getting too emotional and not reasoning for what it this truly represents.

What does signing a 2 year contract mean? You are wrong to suggest it means another 2 years of Wenger. Even me, a staunch Wenger supporter knows that contract is not worth the paper it is signed on because it means nothing if Wenger does not get results.

Wenger stays for 2 years if he gets results starting with the City game. He will not last till May if he does not get results. Mark my words. If the results are patchy between now and the end of the season, he will be forced out by the supporters at the Emirates. I know many here do not like it, but I have said this here for over 2 years now and I will keep on saying it. CE and social media are irrelevant to Wenger and his future, many here are resorting to insult because they know they are powerless and can't do a thing. Wenger power base is in the house he built - The Emirates stadium. The Supporters who pay their money and go there game in and out hold the power. If Wenger does not get the results, they will turn and he will be gone, contract or no contract.
Arsène Wenger at Arsenal, 1996 to 2018. I was there.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Gooner1 »

Waffiman wrote:
Gooner1 wrote:Wenger is going to stay for another 2yrs....fact
his extension will expose the rot that is festering in the board room.....
the on field performances will be dire....
You are an intelligent man and you are nobody's fool. You and I do not agree on Wenger, but our discourse over our disagreement is full of respect for one another, like I have with many I disagree with here.

But your post here has me wondering if you are getting too emotional and not reasoning for what it this truly represents.

What does signing a 2 year contract mean? You are wrong to suggest it means another 2 years of Wenger. Even me, a staunch Wenger supporter knows that contract is not worth the paper it is signed on because it means nothing if Wenger does not get results.

Wenger stays for 2 years if he gets results starting with the City game. He will not last till May if he does not get results. Mark my words. If the results are patchy between now and the end of the season, he will be forced out by the supporters at the Emirates. I know many here do not like it, but I have said this here for over 2 years now and I will keep on saying it. CE and social media are irrelevant to Wenger and his future, many here are resorting to insult because they know they are powerless and can't do a thing. Wenger power base is in the house he built - The Emirates stadium. The Supporters who pay their money and go there game in and out hold the power. If Wenger does not get the results, they will turn and he will be gone, contract or no contract.
waffi, this is not emotion here.....the man has done so much for the club, no matter how much anti wengers spew, however, the time is up, the patience has run out and I disagree with you, if he doesn't get the results, he will be back, but he will last a year at most into his deal......he should go now and save face.....
“If this year, you cannot compete with Spurs, with all the respect I have for them, and Leicester, then change your sport. I’m sorry.” Emmanuel Petit

"I didn't buy Arsenal stake to win trophies" Kroneke
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Waffiman »

Gooner1 wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Gooner1 wrote:Wenger is going to stay for another 2yrs....fact
his extension will expose the rot that is festering in the board room.....
the on field performances will be dire....
You are an intelligent man and you are nobody's fool. You and I do not agree on Wenger, but our discourse over our disagreement is full of respect for one another, like I have with many I disagree with here.

But your post here has me wondering if you are getting too emotional and not reasoning for what it this truly represents.

What does signing a 2 year contract mean? You are wrong to suggest it means another 2 years of Wenger. Even me, a staunch Wenger supporter knows that contract is not worth the paper it is signed on because it means nothing if Wenger does not get results.

Wenger stays for 2 years if he gets results starting with the City game. He will not last till May if he does not get results. Mark my words. If the results are patchy between now and the end of the season, he will be forced out by the supporters at the Emirates. I know many here do not like it, but I have said this here for over 2 years now and I will keep on saying it. CE and social media are irrelevant to Wenger and his future, many here are resorting to insult because they know they are powerless and can't do a thing. Wenger power base is in the house he built - The Emirates stadium. The Supporters who pay their money and go there game in and out hold the power. If Wenger does not get the results, they will turn and he will be gone, contract or no contract.
waffi, this is not emotion here.....the man has done so much for the club, no matter how much anti wengers spew, however, the time is up, the patience has run out and I disagree with you, if he doesn't get the results, he will be back, but he will last a year at most into his deal......he should go now and save face.....
This is where you get this so wrong. The vast majority of people who go to the Emirates are ST holders. I am a ST holder and I know a lot like me. Many want him to go but they are cautious. Why? If you pay £1,000 plus for something and you become used to a standard it delivers, you tend to be cautious of change. Why? It is difficult trying to sell change to people like me who are guaranteed a certain standard for their money, especially when this change guarantees nothing.

For many at the Emirates, the choice is clear. Wenger going means we stand to lose what he has delivered for 20 years for our money, are they ready to take the risk knowing nothing is guaranteed with whoever replaces him? For me, this is the koko of the matter. When results continue to indicate that what Wenger gave ST holders is no longer guaranteed, things will definitely change. There is love, respect and loyalty towards the man but in football, no one is above the sack. Supporters that go to stadiums, are the most effective in giving Managers the sack.

Wenger will not go if he gets results because the Supporters at the Emirates will not force him out. One thing I am certain of is, ifr he does not get results, he will be forced out. There is also a minimum expectation, come the last home game this season and we are out of the CL due to patchy results, he will be forced out. Wenger's future depends on results and even that is not guaranteed.
Arsène Wenger at Arsenal, 1996 to 2018. I was there.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Waffiman »

Ebyboy wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:Good sources now claiming Wenger has signed a new 2 year deal with promises from the Board to make funds available for major squad overhaul.

If true. It is the ultimate F**k you to the Wenger outers who have done so much damage to the club this season.

IMHO, AFC fans have reaped what they've sown. All the s**t off field is now being reflected on it. No confidence.
oh waffi you do love entertaining narratives ..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I told you ages ago this was a done deal, that Arsenal had 0 succession plan for AW , AW 2 year extension was fait de complete, whilst you stated results would decide AW's fate... :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

This has nothing to do with a youtube channel, social media or sending a message to fans..this is about straight cash homie, and in Stan Kroenke eyes Mr. Wenger is a more and no less.
Assuming the stories are true. Because nothing is official and I tend to be cautious about these things.

On the contrary. Like you, I felt from the outset that he will sign his contract eventually. But I also heard from good sources that he had not signed because of a disagreement with funds for the squad from the Board in the light of the spending by the competition following the failure of FFP which the Arsenal Board and Wenger banked on to level the spending field. For example, Chelsea's wage bill for the 2014/15 season was £23m more than Arsenal wage bill for the 2015/16 season. ManU's was £37m more for the 2015/16 season. This, despite Arsenal additions to the squad.The irony is, Arsenal finishing above Chelsea and ManU influenced the Board with their spending decision and they expected Wenger to improve despite the competition outspending us once again in the summer. I was also one of those who expected us to improve in terms of points and finish 1st or 2nd. I was wrong this time around.

You cannot continue to get away, season after season, with putting yourself in an inferior competitive position. We all know what wage bill of sport men tell us in all sports. The best sport men get paid the most money in wages and everything else. Arsenal wage bill is clear, it is telling us bar 2 or 3 players, we do not have anything close to the best, but we have somehow come to expect to compete and beat the best with the sort of wages disadvantage I mentioned above. We have gotten away with it for too long. It is no coincidence that we cannot cope with the top teams when we are missing 2 or 3 of our best players. This season, like last season is now showing we cannot also expect to beat the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th placed teams when missing 3 to 4 of our best players.

With growing fans expectations, Wenger pressed for more funds to sign better quality proven players in the EPL. He got no support from the Board, and he did not sign his contract. This was a big mistake, because it gave Ozil and Sanchez the ready excuse to hold the club and their team mates hostages. It is no secret that Sanchez and Ozil do not think much of a few of their team mates playing abilities, while Ozil has been less vocal, he has been petulent on the pitch when a team mate he does not rate tries to point out anything to him. Sanchez has been down right disrespectful to all.

With the players, the excuses got better as they hid behind the fans who went after the Manager in social media and certain elements of the press. But at the Emirates stadium, Wenger still held sway, the fans did not turn against him. Instead, it is the players that got it game after game as fans turned against them. When the Away support grew in numbers to sing, 'we want Wenger out' at the Bayern game, I felt, Wenger's time was up. I felt the fans will turn at the Emirates, I also felt Wenger will walk because he will not want to see the fighting amongst the fans. But I was wrong, the protests and protesters were an embarrassment. One even protested against Vic Akers - the Kit Manager. They were goaded, booed and insulted at the Emirates stadium. At best there were 200 of them, although many in the press say 100.

I think many of the 'Wenger Outers' got it wrong, they thought their campaign will gather support and the Manager will be forced out, so far they have failed. What they have done is make many now defend Wenger because of their tactics. Indeed, they have turned a lot of the support against them and it has got to the point where Arsenal fans now stand and hurl insults at the 'Wenger Outers and protesters. I have seen this at the last 2 games at the Emirates. What I have observed is, and I posted this here when I gave a breakdown of how I saw the split in the fan base, even those who feel Wenger's time is up have developed a deep hatred and resentment for those fans who they see as not speaking for them because of how they have conducted themselves.

I actually now believe is Wenger, who is known as a real fighter - go read the books of his ex-players - has now realised he made a mistake not signing the contract cos it has led to the uncertainty at the club and both players and fans have now taken advantage. I think the Board and Wenger have now decided arrest the situation and show who is in real control. I gave an example with the Fergie situation and ManU those years ago a few weeks ago. I also feel, Wenger instead of walking away has realised he must stand up to the 'Wenger Outers' and take them head on. I personally applaud this move.

I believe strongly that the Board and Wenger have not come this far to see all what they have worked so hard in the past 12 years disintegrate, especially when they are on the verge of making the final leap in terms of finances. The new sponsorship deals for example are almost due, the club cannot put itself in a weak position of not being in the CL. They have come together, sending a clear message to their detractors that we are the ones in control of this club. For me, the question now is, is it all too little too late?

Having said the above, let us not get away from one fact, all the problems we have now, is the makings of the Manager and the Board. When you have a wage bill deficit of £37m on a close rival, you have so much scope to do better than we did in the summer. We had even more scope when you consider the amount of money the rivals spent. Clubs we have always dismissed like Liverpool and Spuds improved by buying proven EPL quality. We were arrogant and we made mistakes. We had to get Kante, we had to give Ozil and Sanchez new deals, we had to improve the overall quality by taking a loss on one or two under performing players and letting them go to make room for new proven and better players in the EPL or top money for top players outside of the league. When our competitors spent money, we did, but we spent far less on mainly development players. We failed to get the balance right. We also kept at least 2 under performing players which we should have shipped out, via loan or sold for better players. We have gotten away with it for too long but this season, it has caught up with us both in the dressing room and on the pitch. In the dressing room, it has gotten nasty as the players who have been carrying the under performers have hit out. Not saying they were right because they have been unprofessional. I bet they would have handled things better had they foreseen the consequences of their actions.

On top of all of this, we have a Manager who set the way by creating uncertainty with his contract situation, we may have gotten away with this sort of contract situation in the past but the Board and Manager were too arrogant and dismissive of the threat this situation posed in certain sections of the fan base till it was all too late. When three years ago, Gazidis raised the fans’ hopes when he boasted, “We should be able to compete at a level like a club such as Bayern Munich. We can do some things which would excite you. I say that this is an extraordinarily ambitious club.” You then start missing out on number one targets in the transfer market, to rub salt into injury, we see the same Bayern Munich outclass us in every dept of the pitch, you create trouble for yourself. Just be honest and let the fans know the truth. Arsenal have a waiting list for Season Tickets of over 12 years. There is no chance of them not selling the STs, so why tell fibs and create grief for yourself? Arsenal are fortunate with me, I am financially secure enough to say, I will have a ST for the rest of my life. I know many like me, the club knows it, so why the BS?

For me, I have loyalty to the Manager because of his loyalty to us in our deepest time of need. I have faith in the Board and Manager because of their achievements in the last 12 years. I also believe the Board is right to stick with the Manager because they know their role in this mess of a season we are experiencing. I also believe that one poor season where we are performing below expectation and resources is not enough to panic. I see far too many great and good things at Arsenal, what we must not do is throw the baby away with the bathwater. I am glad we have a Board that is wise enough to this.
Waffi my man! I like when you are in this mood! If only our players can play
defense like you :sneaky: .
Defending the most successful Manager in the Club's history is the easiest thing to do. But defending a man like Wenger and all he represents to me, is a duty I will gladly carry out. Wenger is family, Arsenal family.
Arsène Wenger at Arsenal, 1996 to 2018. I was there.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by danfo driver »

Waffiman wrote:
Ebyboy wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:Good sources now claiming Wenger has signed a new 2 year deal with promises from the Board to make funds available for major squad overhaul.

If true. It is the ultimate F**k you to the Wenger outers who have done so much damage to the club this season.

IMHO, AFC fans have reaped what they've sown. All the s**t off field is now being reflected on it. No confidence.
oh waffi you do love entertaining narratives ..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I told you ages ago this was a done deal, that Arsenal had 0 succession plan for AW , AW 2 year extension was fait de complete, whilst you stated results would decide AW's fate... :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

This has nothing to do with a youtube channel, social media or sending a message to fans..this is about straight cash homie, and in Stan Kroenke eyes Mr. Wenger is a more and no less.
Assuming the stories are true. Because nothing is official and I tend to be cautious about these things.

On the contrary. Like you, I felt from the outset that he will sign his contract eventually. But I also heard from good sources that he had not signed because of a disagreement with funds for the squad from the Board in the light of the spending by the competition following the failure of FFP which the Arsenal Board and Wenger banked on to level the spending field. For example, Chelsea's wage bill for the 2014/15 season was £23m more than Arsenal wage bill for the 2015/16 season. ManU's was £37m more for the 2015/16 season. This, despite Arsenal additions to the squad.The irony is, Arsenal finishing above Chelsea and ManU influenced the Board with their spending decision and they expected Wenger to improve despite the competition outspending us once again in the summer. I was also one of those who expected us to improve in terms of points and finish 1st or 2nd. I was wrong this time around.

You cannot continue to get away, season after season, with putting yourself in an inferior competitive position. We all know what wage bill of sport men tell us in all sports. The best sport men get paid the most money in wages and everything else. Arsenal wage bill is clear, it is telling us bar 2 or 3 players, we do not have anything close to the best, but we have somehow come to expect to compete and beat the best with the sort of wages disadvantage I mentioned above. We have gotten away with it for too long. It is no coincidence that we cannot cope with the top teams when we are missing 2 or 3 of our best players. This season, like last season is now showing we cannot also expect to beat the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th placed teams when missing 3 to 4 of our best players.

With growing fans expectations, Wenger pressed for more funds to sign better quality proven players in the EPL. He got no support from the Board, and he did not sign his contract. This was a big mistake, because it gave Ozil and Sanchez the ready excuse to hold the club and their team mates hostages. It is no secret that Sanchez and Ozil do not think much of a few of their team mates playing abilities, while Ozil has been less vocal, he has been petulent on the pitch when a team mate he does not rate tries to point out anything to him. Sanchez has been down right disrespectful to all.

With the players, the excuses got better as they hid behind the fans who went after the Manager in social media and certain elements of the press. But at the Emirates stadium, Wenger still held sway, the fans did not turn against him. Instead, it is the players that got it game after game as fans turned against them. When the Away support grew in numbers to sing, 'we want Wenger out' at the Bayern game, I felt, Wenger's time was up. I felt the fans will turn at the Emirates, I also felt Wenger will walk because he will not want to see the fighting amongst the fans. But I was wrong, the protests and protesters were an embarrassment. One even protested against Vic Akers - the Kit Manager. They were goaded, booed and insulted at the Emirates stadium. At best there were 200 of them, although many in the press say 100.

I think many of the 'Wenger Outers' got it wrong, they thought their campaign will gather support and the Manager will be forced out, so far they have failed. What they have done is make many now defend Wenger because of their tactics. Indeed, they have turned a lot of the support against them and it has got to the point where Arsenal fans now stand and hurl insults at the 'Wenger Outers and protesters. I have seen this at the last 2 games at the Emirates. What I have observed is, and I posted this here when I gave a breakdown of how I saw the split in the fan base, even those who feel Wenger's time is up have developed a deep hatred and resentment for those fans who they see as not speaking for them because of how they have conducted themselves.

I actually now believe is Wenger, who is known as a real fighter - go read the books of his ex-players - has now realised he made a mistake not signing the contract cos it has led to the uncertainty at the club and both players and fans have now taken advantage. I think the Board and Wenger have now decided arrest the situation and show who is in real control. I gave an example with the Fergie situation and ManU those years ago a few weeks ago. I also feel, Wenger instead of walking away has realised he must stand up to the 'Wenger Outers' and take them head on. I personally applaud this move.

I believe strongly that the Board and Wenger have not come this far to see all what they have worked so hard in the past 12 years disintegrate, especially when they are on the verge of making the final leap in terms of finances. The new sponsorship deals for example are almost due, the club cannot put itself in a weak position of not being in the CL. They have come together, sending a clear message to their detractors that we are the ones in control of this club. For me, the question now is, is it all too little too late?

Having said the above, let us not get away from one fact, all the problems we have now, is the makings of the Manager and the Board. When you have a wage bill deficit of £37m on a close rival, you have so much scope to do better than we did in the summer. We had even more scope when you consider the amount of money the rivals spent. Clubs we have always dismissed like Liverpool and Spuds improved by buying proven EPL quality. We were arrogant and we made mistakes. We had to get Kante, we had to give Ozil and Sanchez new deals, we had to improve the overall quality by taking a loss on one or two under performing players and letting them go to make room for new proven and better players in the EPL or top money for top players outside of the league. When our competitors spent money, we did, but we spent far less on mainly development players. We failed to get the balance right. We also kept at least 2 under performing players which we should have shipped out, via loan or sold for better players. We have gotten away with it for too long but this season, it has caught up with us both in the dressing room and on the pitch. In the dressing room, it has gotten nasty as the players who have been carrying the under performers have hit out. Not saying they were right because they have been unprofessional. I bet they would have handled things better had they foreseen the consequences of their actions.

On top of all of this, we have a Manager who set the way by creating uncertainty with his contract situation, we may have gotten away with this sort of contract situation in the past but the Board and Manager were too arrogant and dismissive of the threat this situation posed in certain sections of the fan base till it was all too late. When three years ago, Gazidis raised the fans’ hopes when he boasted, “We should be able to compete at a level like a club such as Bayern Munich. We can do some things which would excite you. I say that this is an extraordinarily ambitious club.” You then start missing out on number one targets in the transfer market, to rub salt into injury, we see the same Bayern Munich outclass us in every dept of the pitch, you create trouble for yourself. Just be honest and let the fans know the truth. Arsenal have a waiting list for Season Tickets of over 12 years. There is no chance of them not selling the STs, so why tell fibs and create grief for yourself? Arsenal are fortunate with me, I am financially secure enough to say, I will have a ST for the rest of my life. I know many like me, the club knows it, so why the BS?

For me, I have loyalty to the Manager because of his loyalty to us in our deepest time of need. I have faith in the Board and Manager because of their achievements in the last 12 years. I also believe the Board is right to stick with the Manager because they know their role in this mess of a season we are experiencing. I also believe that one poor season where we are performing below expectation and resources is not enough to panic. I see far too many great and good things at Arsenal, what we must not do is throw the baby away with the bathwater. I am glad we have a Board that is wise enough to this.
Waffi my man! I like when you are in this mood! If only our players can play
defense like you :sneaky: .
Defending the most successful Manager in the Club's history is the easiest thing to do. But defending a man like Wenger and all he represents to me, is a duty I will gladly carry out. Wenger is family, Arsenal family.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
"it is better to be excited now and disappointed later, than it is to be disappointed now and later." - Marcus Aurelius, 178AD
metalalloy wrote: Does the SE have Gray, Mahrez or Albrighton on our team or players of their caliber?
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by danfo driver »

The problem I have always had with the Wenger-out brigade is that they have never stepped foot into the home built by Wenger. If you have come to the Emirates, you will respect what Wenger has done by building this home. He hand selected the chairs from fine kangaroo leather, the fridge in the upper level where beer is kept is always cold, the canteen is always stocked with pies, the stand has underseat heating...and those of us who suffered at highbury remember how we had to use matches to light fire under our yansh to defrost the ice during winter. All these, built by the manager. And those of us who go to the Emirates know the standards that this manager has come to give us. And that is the fear. I dont know about you, but I am now 56 years old and my yansh does not defrost as quickly as it did when I was in my twenties.
"it is better to be excited now and disappointed later, than it is to be disappointed now and later." - Marcus Aurelius, 178AD
metalalloy wrote: Does the SE have Gray, Mahrez or Albrighton on our team or players of their caliber?
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

danfo driver wrote:The problem I have always had with the Wenger-out brigade is that they have never stepped foot into the home built by Wenger. If you have come to the Emirates, you will respect what Wenger has done by building this home. He hand selected the chairs from fine kangaroo leather, the fridge in the upper level where beer is kept is always cold, the canteen is always stocked with pies, the stand has underseat heating...and those of us who suffered at highbury remember how we had to use matches to light fire under our yansh to defrost the ice during winter. All these, built by the manager. And those of us who go to the Emirates know the standards that this manager has come to give us. And that is the fear. I dont know about you, but I am now 56 years old and my yansh does not defrost as quickly as it did when I was in my twenties.
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: Chai we Arsenal fans don suffer sha,e don do biko
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

Contract negotiations with Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil have been put on hold until the summer, says Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger.

Chilen forward Sanchez and German midfielder Ozil, both 28, have just over a year left on their deals.

Wenger says he has made up his mind about his own future, but is yet to sign the two-year extension on offer.

"At the moment we have not got an agreement," said Wenger when asked about the future of Sanchez.

Talking to BeIn Sports, the Frenchman, 67, added: "We have decided to focus on the end of the season and talk about it during the summer.

"It is the same situation with Ozil, because once you don't find an agreement and the negotiation lasts, it is not good.

"It is better you get it out and sit down in the summer."

Arsenal have slipped to sixth in the Premier League following four defeats in their past five games.

Regarding his own future, Wenger added: "No matter how long I stay I will be committed and completely focused as long as I stay at the club."

The Gunners return to Premier League action on Sunday, 2 April when they host Manchester City.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by anikulapo »

Please just let Ozil go for free and break the bank for Alexis if he still wants to stay .... make him the #10 and build the team around him
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by platinum »

anikulapo wrote:Please just let Ozil go for free and break the bank for Alexis if he still wants to stay .... make him the #10 and build the team around him
I just talked to Arsene Wenger, he said he will do as you so. But he wants you to join the club and take the German's place. That or go back to the default position of years ago when you didn't pretend to care about Arsenal. Those are his terms...which one should I tell him you pick?
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by balo »

kajifu wrote:Contract negotiations with Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil have been put on hold until the summer, says Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger.

Chilen forward Sanchez and German midfielder Ozil, both 28, have just over a year left on their deals.

Wenger says he has made up his mind about his own future, but is yet to sign the two-year extension on offer.

"At the moment we have not got an agreement," said Wenger when asked about the future of Sanchez.

Talking to BeIn Sports, the Frenchman, 67, added: "We have decided to focus on the end of the season and talk about it during the summer.

"It is the same situation with Ozil, because once you don't find an agreement and the negotiation lasts, it is not good.

"It is better you get it out and sit down in the summer."

Arsenal have slipped to sixth in the Premier League following four defeats in their past five games.

Regarding his own future, Wenger added: "No matter how long I stay I will be committed and completely focused as long as I stay at the club."

The Gunners return to Premier League action on Sunday, 2 April when they host Manchester City.

Sanchez is considering moving to Chelsea. Maybe we gonna have another Judas on our hands.
If Noah had been truly wise, he would have swatted those two flies. -- Helen Castle

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