Dortmund team bus involved in explosion

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Re: Dortmund team bus involved in explosion

Post by Tbite »

kalani JR wrote:
Tbite wrote:
kalani JR wrote:Glad to see the Islamophobes are loud and out.
So you do not believe that a significant amount of terrorism is from Fundamental Islam?

Anybody who doesn't accept this basic truth is PART of the reason why terrorism exists in the first place!

I personally have no interest in contributing towards terrorism. I am not in any way suggesting that this attack had even the slightest bit of Islamic influence, but in response to the danfo driver, Fundamentalist Islam is very much at the epicentre of global terrorism.
Depends on what you consider terrorism abi? In the same way, would you call dropping bombs via air on mostly innocent civilians terror? There is a big problem with trying tie the religion with this ideology that harms society in the worst way.
Ordinarily I would have no intention with making the link. A muslim did not steal my girlfriend. I have no such obsession with the religion, actually I have 0% interest in the religion.

But there is a link. Now we can argue about the extent of the link, but there is a link. One counterargument could be "Oh they are not muslims, they are simply militants USING Islam as an excuse for their activities" Well what activities exactly? Smuggling of artefacts? Financial laundering, Controlling oil reserves? Gun trade? What exactly are their motivations outside of ideology and conquest? You will find that these groups will use their resources to SUSTAIN their ideology! Their ideology is not this thing on the side that they use to attract followers, it is at the centre of their existence.

How do you explain the fact that men such a Yusuf Mohammed and Shekau were groomed in our Islamic schools! How do you get past the fact that they enforce some form of corrupted Islam? How do you explain that they have ideological conflicts! If ideology is peripheral, why do groups such as Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and ISIS have conflict within themselves about religious motivations?

How do you get past the fact that there is a simultaneous incidence of fundamentalist schools of thought that are RADICAL and oppressive AND these terrorist groups that are ALSO radical and oppressive! Yet there is no link?

We know that the mother of all Islamic nations, KSA is for all intents and purposes a terrorist organization. Spreading their Wahabhism and condoning fundamentalist madness! Are we also going to say that oh no KSA is not a muslim country, it is just using fundamentalist Sharia to excuse militancy. Against its own citizens? To what end?

There is a direct link between Islam and terrorism, BUT it is not a link from moderate Islam which good muslims practice (Allah bless them), it is between fundamentalist Islam and terrorism. The fundamentalists need not be affiliated with terror organizations, Yusuf Muhammed afterall appeared to be just another ordinary Nigerian, BUT he was already a terrorist in his mindset, since he was a boy! Among us there are ALREADY terrorists in waiting, they are fundamentalist Muslims that we overlook.

Terrorists are groomed long before they ever kill anybody! If we are to fight terrorism, we must stamp out these terrorists LONG BEFORE they even join ISIS or Boko Haram. They have committed an ideological crime, that is illegal on its own. Why wait for them to kill people? Any clerics practicing hate peach should be jailed instantly!

As a country, we must also distance ourselves from fundamental countries such as Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who promote terrorist ideals.

Evil spreads when good people do nothing. What the world needs is not for good muslims to say that they are innocent. What good does that accomplish? Good Muslims should ensure that in their community, fundamentalist clerics and students are brought to book. Muslims should also decide if they need radical laws such as Sharia, which is borderline fundamental in my opinion.

Are we trying to end terrorism or feel good about it?

One of my proposed solution to end terrorism

1) Let us be more accommodating to normal moderate Muslims than we have ever been in history, let us encourage them in every way! No travel bans, let them practice their religion in peace, more mosques if they need them. But these mosques must be randomly audited to make sure services are not radical.

2) Let us be more strict on fundamentalist Muslims than we have ever been in history. Hate speech, instant jail time, instant deportation, political pressure on countries with fundamentalist stances. Lets not even use these labels...ISIS, Al Qaeda. It doesn't matter if they have never been to Yemen or Syria, if they are fundamental...Instant jail time. This also means that America must stop being hypocritical for example and going to bed with fundamentalist actors.

Tell me how will Boko Haram recruit, when it is immediately clear that their propaganda is hollow? Muslims will stay on the right side of the line, coupled with economic reform.
Buhari, whose two terms thankfully ground to a constitutional halt in May. (One thing both democracies have going for them is that their leaders, however bad, have only two terms to swing the wrecking ball.) Under Buhari, growth per head also plunged to 0. An economic agenda drawn from the dusty pages of a 1970s protectionist handbook failed to do the trick. Despite Buhari’s promise to tame terrorism and criminality, violence flourished. Despite his reputation for probity, corruption swirled. FT
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Re: Dortmund team bus involved in explosion

Post by Abaua1 »

Doubt over Islamist links to Dortmund bombs

Investigators in Germany say there is "significant doubt" that Tuesday's attack on the Borussia Dortmund team bus was the work of radical Islamists. They say letters found at the scene may be an attempt to trick people into thinking there was an Islamist motive. But they said it may have been the work of political extremists - from the left or right - or violent football fans.

Two people received medical treatment after three bombs exploded near the team bus, shattering glass. Spanish footballer Marc Bartra underwent wrist surgery and a police officer was treated for shock. Following the attack, Borussia Dortmund's Champion's League match against Monaco was rescheduled a day later, which led Dortmund fans to open their doors to stranded away supporters.

On Wednesday, a 25-year-old Iraqi "with Islamist links" was arrested. But the three identical letters found near the scene - which said the attack was done "in the name of Allah" - may be fakes, intended to pin the blame on radical Islamists. The developments came to light when two German state broadcasters - NDR and WDR - together with the Suedeutsche Zeitung newspaper reported the study on Friday.

When asked to comment, state prosecutor Frauke Koehler agreed the media reports were "accurate".
They highlight that "many things" from the letters are "untypical" for groups like so-called Islamic State (IS). These include a claim that sportspeople and other famous figures were in danger unless the Ramstein Air Base is closed and German warplanes withdrew from Syria. IS normally does not negotiate in such a way, Mr Koehler added.

Anonymous security experts quoted in the Sueddeutsche piece (in German) say the text of the letters was likely written by a native German speaker who built in mistakes to make it look like it was written by someone for whom German was their second language.

Investigators were still not clear about what kind of attacker might have wished to frame Islamists for an attack, but said the explosives used in the attack were professionally-made. And another German newspaper, Tagesspiegel, said it had received an email from someone with right-wing motives, who said the attack was a warning and made racist threats. The authorities are taking that email seriously, the newspaper reported.

Borussia Dortmund bombs: Letters at scene 'not from Islamists'
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Re: Dortmund team bus involved in explosion

Post by kalani JR »

Abaua1 wrote:BBC NEWS
Doubt over Islamist links to Dortmund bombs

Investigators in Germany say there is "significant doubt" that Tuesday's attack on the Borussia Dortmund team bus was the work of radical Islamists. They say letters found at the scene may be an attempt to trick people into thinking there was an Islamist motive. But they said it may have been the work of political extremists - from the left or right - or violent football fans.

Two people received medical treatment after three bombs exploded near the team bus, shattering glass. Spanish footballer Marc Bartra underwent wrist surgery and a police officer was treated for shock. Following the attack, Borussia Dortmund's Champion's League match against Monaco was rescheduled a day later, which led Dortmund fans to open their doors to stranded away supporters.

On Wednesday, a 25-year-old Iraqi "with Islamist links" was arrested. But the three identical letters found near the scene - which said the attack was done "in the name of Allah" - may be fakes, intended to pin the blame on radical Islamists. The developments came to light when two German state broadcasters - NDR and WDR - together with the Suedeutsche Zeitung newspaper reported the study on Friday.

When asked to comment, state prosecutor Frauke Koehler agreed the media reports were "accurate".
They highlight that "many things" from the letters are "untypical" for groups like so-called Islamic State (IS). These include a claim that sportspeople and other famous figures were in danger unless the Ramstein Air Base is closed and German warplanes withdrew from Syria. IS normally does not negotiate in such a way, Mr Koehler added.

Anonymous security experts quoted in the Sueddeutsche piece (in German) say the text of the letters was likely written by a native German speaker who built in mistakes to make it look like it was written by someone for whom German was their second language.

Investigators were still not clear about what kind of attacker might have wished to frame Islamists for an attack, but said the explosives used in the attack were professionally-made. And another German newspaper, Tagesspiegel, said it had received an email from someone with right-wing motives, who said the attack was a warning and made racist threats. The authorities are taking that email seriously, the newspaper reported.

Borussia Dortmund bombs: Letters at scene 'not from Islamists'
But, but, but, CE told me that the "mullahs" did this.
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Re: Dortmund team bus involved in explosion

Post by kalani JR »

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Re: Dortmund team bus involved in explosion

Post by Odas »

kajifu wrote:Any updates to this craziness that is now a normal thing in society?
America and George Bush Jr. caused it. It doesn't used to be like this. It used to be ONLY about Hijacking of Airplanes, now it is harder to defend because almost everyone knows how to build a BOMB. The entire world is in REAL trouble - now
And the BIBLE says: The race is NOT for the swift, neither is the battle for the strong nor ... but time and chance makes them all.
Ecclesiastes 1:18: For in much wisdom is much grief and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow.
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Re: Dortmund team bus involved in explosion

Post by Yiba »

There was an interesting article today on WAS paper about the bombing. Fact is, the police are still struggling to unravel the mystery of the perpetrators. They do not have conclusive leads only conjecture and inconclusive evidence leading to no where. They arrested a man from Iraq, who fought for IS in Iraq but they can not tie him with the bomb. Another German from Lebanon is being investigated because the umbrella in his house during a police raid, bears a name of the hotel that BVB stayed. In all, we are still at the nascent stage of the investigation.

Equally disturbing is the far right gangs who are prone to violence. The question all Bundesliga fans are asking, do we increase the security for the players and alienate the culture of closeness not found in EPL or La Liga ?
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Re: Dortmund team bus involved in explosion Man arrested

Post by toyin133 »

Dortmund attack: man arrested on suspicion of share-dealing plot

Police believe 28-year-old German-Russian national attacked bus in hope of profiting from consequent fall in club’s stock

Philip Oltermann in Berlin

Friday 21 April 2017 08.19 BST
First published on Friday 21 April 2017 06.54 BST

German police have arrested a 28-year-old German-Russian national on suspicion of having carried out the explosives attack on the Borussia Dortmund football team in order to collapse the club’s share price so he could profit from stock market speculation.

Sergej W was arrested by special operation officers on his way to work at 6am on Friday. On the day of the attack, 11 April, he had bought a put option on Borussia Dortmund’s shares, giving him the right to sell the shares for a specified price at a predetermined date.

Had the explosives killed a member of the team and the club’s share price dropped, the value of his put option - an option to sell assets at an agreed price on or before a particular date - would have increased significantly.

According to German media reports, Sergej W bought 15,000 put warrants for €78,000(£65,300) and could have gained up to €3.9m as a result of a large drop in Dortmund’s shares.

Borussia Dortmund is the only club in Germany to float shares on the stock market.

Employees of Comdirect, an online bank attached to the German bank Commerzbank, had alerted police to Sergej W’s purchase, having suspected him of money laundering.

The team bus was heading to their stadium for a Champions League match against Monaco last Tuesday when three explosions occurred, wounding the Spanish defender Marc Bartra and delaying the match by a day.

The professional nature of the attack initially led investigators to suspect a terrorist dimension to the attack.

Three identical printed statements found near the crime scene – one attached to a post, the other placed inside the hedge where the explosiions occurred – had mentioned last December’s Islamist terrorist attack on a Berlin Christmas market and referenced the “caliphate”, initially seeming to corroborate investigators’ suspicions of a radical Islamist motive.

Two other statements then appeared online, claiming the attack was driven by far-left and far-right motives. But after consulting terrorism experts, investigators increasingly began to doubt the authenticity of the three statements.

According to Bild newspaper, Sergej W won an educational prize for technical engineering in July 2015 and would have had “above-average” knowledge in the field of electronic engineering, potentially allowing him to install the explosives and trigger them remotely on his own. Police are searching four separate apartments in connection with the attack.

The suspect had first booked a room at L`Arrivée hotel, where the Dortmund team typically stays for home matches, in mid-March. He had also booked a room for the periods of 9-13 April and 16-20 April, at a stage where it was unclear whether Dortmund’s home match against Monaco would be in the first or second leg of the Champions League quarter-final.

During check-in, the suspect reportedly rejected the first room offered to him because it did not have a window pointing facing the road where the explosives had been installed. His second room, in the attic, had a clear view of the location.

According to Bild, L`Arrivée employees had become suspicious of Sergej W shortly after the explosion: while other guests ran around the hotel in a panic, he walked calmly into a restaurant and ordered a steak.

In a press statement on Friday, Germany’s criminal prosecutor said the faulty installation of the explosive devices may have saved the players’ lives. While the first and last of the devices had been installed near ground level, the middle one was placed roughly one metre above the ground – too high to cause maximum damage, according to police.

Metal pins fitted to the devices – 70mm wide, 6mm in diameter and weighing 15g each – were found 250 metres from the site of the explosions. One was found lodged in the headrest of a seat in the back row of the bus. ... aling-plot
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Re: Dortmund team bus involved in explosion Man arrested

Post by platinum »

toyin133 wrote:
Dortmund attack: man arrested on suspicion of share-dealing plot

Police believe 28-year-old German-Russian national attacked bus in hope of profiting from consequent fall in club’s stock

Philip Oltermann in Berlin

Friday 21 April 2017 08.19 BST
First published on Friday 21 April 2017 06.54 BST

German police have arrested a 28-year-old German-Russian national on suspicion of having carried out the explosives attack on the Borussia Dortmund football team in order to collapse the club’s share price so he could profit from stock market speculation.

Sergej W was arrested by special operation officers on his way to work at 6am on Friday. On the day of the attack, 11 April, he had bought a put option on Borussia Dortmund’s shares, giving him the right to sell the shares for a specified price at a predetermined date.

Had the explosives killed a member of the team and the club’s share price dropped, the value of his put option - an option to sell assets at an agreed price on or before a particular date - would have increased significantly.

According to German media reports, Sergej W bought 15,000 put warrants for €78,000(£65,300) and could have gained up to €3.9m as a result of a large drop in Dortmund’s shares.

Borussia Dortmund is the only club in Germany to float shares on the stock market.

Employees of Comdirect, an online bank attached to the German bank Commerzbank, had alerted police to Sergej W’s purchase, having suspected him of money laundering.

The team bus was heading to their stadium for a Champions League match against Monaco last Tuesday when three explosions occurred, wounding the Spanish defender Marc Bartra and delaying the match by a day.

The professional nature of the attack initially led investigators to suspect a terrorist dimension to the attack.

Three identical printed statements found near the crime scene – one attached to a post, the other placed inside the hedge where the explosiions occurred – had mentioned last December’s Islamist terrorist attack on a Berlin Christmas market and referenced the “caliphate”, initially seeming to corroborate investigators’ suspicions of a radical Islamist motive.

Two other statements then appeared online, claiming the attack was driven by far-left and far-right motives. But after consulting terrorism experts, investigators increasingly began to doubt the authenticity of the three statements.

According to Bild newspaper, Sergej W won an educational prize for technical engineering in July 2015 and would have had “above-average” knowledge in the field of electronic engineering, potentially allowing him to install the explosives and trigger them remotely on his own. Police are searching four separate apartments in connection with the attack.

The suspect had first booked a room at L`Arrivée hotel, where the Dortmund team typically stays for home matches, in mid-March. He had also booked a room for the periods of 9-13 April and 16-20 April, at a stage where it was unclear whether Dortmund’s home match against Monaco would be in the first or second leg of the Champions League quarter-final.

During check-in, the suspect reportedly rejected the first room offered to him because it did not have a window pointing facing the road where the explosives had been installed. His second room, in the attic, had a clear view of the location.

According to Bild, L`Arrivée employees had become suspicious of Sergej W shortly after the explosion: while other guests ran around the hotel in a panic, he walked calmly into a restaurant and ordered a steak.

In a press statement on Friday, Germany’s criminal prosecutor said the faulty installation of the explosive devices may have saved the players’ lives. While the first and last of the devices had been installed near ground level, the middle one was placed roughly one metre above the ground – too high to cause maximum damage, according to police.

Metal pins fitted to the devices – 70mm wide, 6mm in diameter and weighing 15g each – were found 250 metres from the site of the explosions. One was found lodged in the headrest of a seat in the back row of the bus. ... aling-plot

It's so funny. All about the money.

When I see people shouting Islam this and Islam that, I smile...when you follow the crumbs, it's always either about money, power or greed. Religion has nothing to do with anything, it's a mask.
Evans Bipi, had declared to the press, “Why must [Governor Amaechi] be insulting my mother, my Jesus Christ on earth?”

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