The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Coach »

^His mistakes are well hidden in a three man-defence, alot to learn but seemingly a good student. Distances will be crucial for his game development and that should come with time. Mertersacker was comfortably one of the standout performers, judgement of distance was impeccable, positoning, brilliant 9.5 times out of ten. Yes Sanchez scored and ran Chelsea ragged, but the display from an bullet riddled war veteran, dragged from his bed on M.A.S.H and forced on to the field, was the stuff of folklore.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Waffiman »

Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:Club is a mess top to bottom, everyone single entity be it the Kronke, board, Gazidis and AW all about self preservation.

It's clear toxicity behind the scenes has been building for some time, it's clear there is very little legit communication from Kronke to board, from board to Wenger, between Wenger and Gazidis. All powers that be at Arsenal have been playing a passive aggressive game of thrones for months on end and it's crippled this club.

This idea a little more fan support or few more transfers would have cured the shambles that is at the very top of the Arsenal powers brokers is beyond ignorant. This fall has been a long time coming.
How do you know this? Do you work there?

Over a period of the season there were issues, which cost us. Prior to that and after, we showed form that suggest your analysis is BS. No need to exaggerate, we have had a poor season, but we finished 75 points, more than last season and more than enough for our minimum objective for the past 10 seasons. Given the above, are things as bad as you claim? Certainly not. The key now is the next move by the club.

Normally, by this time I have ST renewals, none of us have had it it. Stock exchange rules are clear, if there is a potential for a significant change, the club cannot send out renewals until this change is know to its members. What is this change?

I know many of you here just blab on without having a clue. Read what I wrote above and think about it. The next 2 to 3 weeks are huge for Arsenal.

Oh! We waited for the anti-Wenger protest from the fans at the Emirates all season, it never arrived. But we got a large (not the vast majority but enough) anti Kroenke and even some anti Gazidis protests. Meanwhile the fans did not protest against Wenger;. At the Emirates, they know the man takes the bullet for the Board and they cannot give him a hard time. But the times, they are a changing.
Don't you ever get tired of being Wrong...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Arsene Wenger: Arsenal manager describes criticism as 'a disgrace'
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger described the criticism he has had this season as "a disgrace" he will "never forget".

The Frenchman, 67, has faced fierce protests from fans calling for him to leave the club he has led since 1996.

"I don't mind criticism because we are in a public job," he told BBC Sport's Football Focus before Saturday's FA Cup final against Chelsea at Wembley.

"I believe there's a difference between being criticised and being treated in a way that human beings don't deserve."

He added: "The lack of respect from some has been a disgrace and I will never accept that. I will never forget it.

"The behaviour of some people during the season, that is what hurts me most. It's not my person that is hurt but the impeccable image of the club around the world. That kind of behaviour does not reflect what Arsenal is.

"A strong club is a club that makes a decision. It is wrong that in modern society it is not a question of whether a decision is right but whether it is popular. That has nothing to do with competence. People with responsibility have to make the right decision."
What criticism? Did I not mention that tiny minority insulting the man, which is unlike the majority of 'Wenger Outers' here who insult him all the time.

So sorry Arsenal put on a brilliant performance and won. I know it is not what you 'Wenger Outers' wanted, but life can be a biatcchhh!!! :taunt: :taunt: :taunt:

Are you serious or getting desperate? This post has me seriously wondering if someone has stolen your handle.

Lawd have mercy.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Point of my original post is clear, powers that be from Kronke, board, Gazidis , AW were at logger heads..AW interview is definition of case closed in that regard.
Look, there is talk about this. But it is speculation. I do not want to get drawn into these rumours. I have not said you are wrong or right on this. I have just maintained it is all speculation and we must be careful.

For me, Wenger's contract, Ozil and Sanchez contracts, plus the players unrest that IMHO had a part to do with the contracts situation, all played a huge part in our collapse in those crucial 10 games.

Do you know Arsenal had the most points after 19 games, the most since the 'invincibles' season, then got 24 points from 9 games after the Crystal Palace game. Who would have thought it? So what happened from that run beginning at the Watford game? Another 6 wins from those 10 games, we are very close. Not saying we would have beaten Chelski, they were just too good this season.

For me, it shows we are not as far off as many claim. We need another minimum 2 top class players and we must keep all our best players.

Word in the grapevine is Wenger has 2 major offers from big clubs and the Board knows about it. But I speculate that, Wenger has demands which have not been met, and he could be, he feels let down by certain elements in his Board.

For me, Wenger walking out is still a real possibility.
Waffi as we discussed some time ago it was unbecoming of Arsenal FC to allow AW to head into this season with a lame duck contract. As we discussed some time ago, AW should have been handed a further 1 year extension after last season in order to avoid the type of drama that ensued on and off the pitch this season.

The club frankly needs to get a hold of itself and act in a professional manner. AW has a point, you don't leave a man who has for years on end shielded this board, Gazidis and Kroenke for majority of criticisms from press, colleagues and supporters alike. Recall successive PR summer disasters of 2011 and 2012 when Cesc, Nasri and RVP were sold, it was AW that shouldered the blame, not the Kronkes, not Gazidis and sure as hell not chip bloody Keswick.

Really can't fathom why the board, Josh frigging Kroenke and Gazidis think it was wise to do AW dirty in such public and embarrassing fashion.

AW has a point....
"That kind of behaviour does not reflect what Arsenal is"

No secret for some time I felt it best for both AW and Arsenal to part ways but the professional way to proceed was to have AW tied down to a contract that ended in May of 2018 but hand both parties an option to walk away amicably if either were unhappy with results on or off the pitch in May of 2017.

Not a single entity at Arsenal can explain how AW lame duck status benefited Arsenal FC in any way, shape or form.

It's was buggled from top on down, and the shame of it is that this situation was entirely avoidable.
That the club messed up with the Wenger contract situation is an under statement. Although I cannot prove it, I think Wenger was also undermined by one or two at Board level. Rumours of Josh Kroenke and Galzidis are rife and sections of the fans are already on their case.

Gazidis was the one who gave press briefing about the Club wanting a DOF behind Wenger's back. Indeed, a lot of Arsenal people say Galzidis has been briefing against Wenger for a while now.

For me, the fact that Wenger will still not commit has me convinced him remaining is a 50/50 chance. He is not happy and wants changes. If he does not get them, he goes.
Arsène Wenger at Arsenal, 1996 to 2018. I was there.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Tunisian Gooner »

Waffiman wrote:That the club messed up with the Wenger contract situation is an under statement. Although I cannot prove it, I think Wenger was also undermined by one or two at Board level. Rumours of Josh Kroenke and Galzidis are rife and sections of the fans are already on their case.

Gazidis was the one who gave press briefing about the Club wanting a DOF behind Wenger's back. Indeed, a lot of Arsenal people say Galzidis has been briefing against Wenger for a while now.

For me, the fact that Wenger will still not commit has me convinced him remaining is a 50/50 chance. He is not happy and wants changes. If he does not get them, he goes.
Biggest question is why?

Can't fathom the logic of how allowing situation to play out as is was in any way beneficial to anyone at Arsenal.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Gooner1 »

Waffiman wrote:
Gooner1 wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:Club is a mess top to bottom, everyone single entity be it the Kronke, board, Gazidis and AW all about self preservation.

It's clear toxicity behind the scenes has been building for some time, it's clear there is very little legit communication from Kronke to board, from board to Wenger, between Wenger and Gazidis. All powers that be at Arsenal have been playing a passive aggressive game of thrones for months on end and it's crippled this club.

This idea a little more fan support or few more transfers would have cured the shambles that is at the very top of the Arsenal powers brokers is beyond ignorant. This fall has been a long time coming.
How do you know this? Do you work there?

Over a period of the season there were issues, which cost us. Prior to that and after, we showed form that suggest your analysis is BS. No need to exaggerate, we have had a poor season, but we finished 75 points, more than last season and more than enough for our minimum objective for the past 10 seasons. Given the above, are things as bad as you claim? Certainly not. The key now is the next move by the club.

Normally, by this time I have ST renewals, none of us have had it it. Stock exchange rules are clear, if there is a potential for a significant change, the club cannot send out renewals until this change is know to its members. What is this change?

I know many of you here just blab on without having a clue. Read what I wrote above and think about it. The next 2 to 3 weeks are huge for Arsenal.

Oh! We waited for the anti-Wenger protest from the fans at the Emirates all season, it never arrived. But we got a large (not the vast majority but enough) anti Kroenke and even some anti Gazidis protests. Meanwhile the fans did not protest against Wenger;. At the Emirates, they know the man takes the bullet for the Board and they cannot give him a hard time. But the times, they are a changing.
Don't you ever get tired of being Wrong...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Arsene Wenger: Arsenal manager describes criticism as 'a disgrace'
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger described the criticism he has had this season as "a disgrace" he will "never forget".

The Frenchman, 67, has faced fierce protests from fans calling for him to leave the club he has led since 1996.

"I don't mind criticism because we are in a public job," he told BBC Sport's Football Focus before Saturday's FA Cup final against Chelsea at Wembley.

"I believe there's a difference between being criticised and being treated in a way that human beings don't deserve."

He added: "The lack of respect from some has been a disgrace and I will never accept that. I will never forget it.

"The behaviour of some people during the season, that is what hurts me most. It's not my person that is hurt but the impeccable image of the club around the world. That kind of behaviour does not reflect what Arsenal is.

"A strong club is a club that makes a decision. It is wrong that in modern society it is not a question of whether a decision is right but whether it is popular. That has nothing to do with competence. People with responsibility have to make the right decision."
wha??? waffi wrong?????........u must be mistaken :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I do not know what is wrong with you 'Wenger Out' lot. Wenger might still decide to go, so all is not lost for you,even if you did not get the performance and result you lot wanted. :taunt: :taunt: :taunt: :taunt:

Go have a read of my posts here. I talked about the minority fans at the Emirates and their chants about Wenger getting cancer.

I talked about the chants of the tiny minority wanting his daughter raped. Etc. Etc. One or two of you 'Wenger Outers' here even justified it. Just like the one who claimed Ramsey deserved to have his leg broken. I wonder what that he was doing when Ramsey scored the winner.

Also there is a lowlife scum here who has no respect or soul to his life, he kept on referring to Wenger's marriage, and his personal life. I ignored him, but my contempt for this scum knows no bounds. For your info, you dirty lowlife scum, if you knew where the Emirates and Wembley were, you would have spotted Wenger's wife and daughter all season. I once saw Wenger's wife with her wedding ring when I got invited to the Diamond Club for a game this season.

I talked about how these minority fans actually ensured the vast majority did not protest because they were revolted by these fans and of course, the respect they had for the Manager.

I do not do social media like you mongs, that think social media is a reflection of fans who pay their money and go to games. When you guys pay your money and go to games, then you can come here and give an analysis of what happened at the stadium. Until then, you lot can rely on your social media world. I don't, I deal in reality as it happens on ground, if you don't like it, go jump off a farkin cliff.

Oh! BTW! The Arsenal fans did not chant 'OneArseneWenger' today. :taunt: :taunt: :taunt: :taunt:

I have drank my fair share of fine champange esp after that final whistle, and I am full of balls. You lot should not fark with me.
You are drunk so I will not dignify your retort with a response, I'll let the insults from u today slide, but next time you accuse/insult/insinuate again.....gloves are off....
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

Cally wrote:Special mention to Rob Holding. What.a.player!

Other honorable mention goes to Nacho Monreal. We cannot let Nacho leave the club. Dude strains every muscle for the course. Watch how he celebrates every goal, how he celebrated today's win. His love for the club is so clear to see, and dude is a solid smart baller.
Agree look his reaction when chelshit scores.The guy has done well for us but shocking surpprise today for me was Mert the big German,he was unbelievable good.Holding is the signing of the season for me,With more playing time guys like Costa will not like to face him.The kid show heart and i hope if few years he captain the team to war.
If we play lime this all season we should be going all season without open yash
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by anikulapo »

My people make una take am easy on the Robbie Holding hype abeg una. Now while i said months ago that i would love for him to start over Mustafi, the more i watch his game, i see a lot of positives and intangibles, but there are some obvious flaws that if not corrected soon enough, will be exposed by astute eyes, once they have enough film and a body of work from him to look at.

He struggles in space because while he possesses good straight line speed, his lateral movement in small tight spaces is very slow ..... a really strange situation :???: :???: :???: :???: i noticed this far too often versus Stoke and on occasion versus Chelshyt even though he was better.

Before some of you simple minded clowns start woofing, i said the same about HB when some were calling him better than Ashley Cole, because even during the hype i pointed out his defensive flaws which were being covered up by his athleticism, until astute opponents starting highlighting them in their game plans once they got more film on him.

Holding realy needs a lot of work with the coaches on defending in short spaces and quicker feet and reaction times to danger. If and when he gets these down, he will be on his way to England legend status as he already has the confidence and competence of a modern defender to bring the ball out of the defensive end and initiate the attack.

He is a supreme talent but his development needs to some serious and careful guidance
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

Uncle Aniks Rob Holding is the truth,He is the future and with more games he will only learn from mistakes .Mustafi is average player reason no top club even look at him. His gra gra rushing cost us some points.He is just ahead of Rob base on experience and older player that cost us 30 million.
Rob is the future captain if he keep his head down.I like what he did to Costa in the first half.Still alot of things for him to correct.
Uncle no one is hyping the boy.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by tolahs »

Coach wrote:^His mistakes are well hidden in a three man-defence, alot to learn but seemingly a good student. Distances will be crucial for his game development and that should come with time. Mertersacker was comfortably one of the standout performers, judgement of distance was impeccable, positoning, brilliant 9.5 times out of ten. Yes Sanchez scored and ran Chelsea ragged, but the display from an bullet riddled war veteran, dragged from his bed on M.A.S.H and forced on to the field, was the stuff of folklore.
He marshalled that backline & kept the collective focus high - great work.
If I give you a good wine, you will see how it tastes and after you ask where it comes from,'' ""To put players in my team who are not good enough will not strengthen the England team, and would weaken the Arsenal team.''The only thing I can say is that whenever England do not win it is always my fault,even when I am not at the game".Wenger said.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Globero »

kajifu wrote:Uncle Aniks Rob Holding is the truth,He is the future and with more games he will only learn from mistakes .Mustafi is average player reason no top club even look at him. His gra gra rushing cost us some points.He is just ahead of Rob base on experience and older player that cost us 30 million.
Rob is the future captain if he keep his head down.I like what he did to Costa in the first half.Still alot of things for him to correct.
Uncle no one is hyping the boy.
People dey hype am o, kajifufu :taunt:
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by tolahs »

anikulapo wrote:My people make una take am easy on the Robbie Holding hype abeg una. Now while i said months ago that i would love for him to start over Mustafi, the more i watch his game, i see a lot of positives and intangibles, but there are some obvious flaws that if not corrected soon enough, will be exposed by astute eyes, once they have enough film and a body of work from him to look at.

He struggles in space because while he possesses good straight line speed, his lateral movement in small tight spaces is very slow ..... a really strange situation :???: :???: :???: :???: i noticed this far too often versus Stoke and on occasion versus Chelshyt even though he was better.

Before some of you simple minded clowns start woofing, i said the same about HB when some were calling him better than Ashley Cole, because even during the hype i pointed out his defensive flaws which were being covered up by his athleticism, until astute opponents starting highlighting them in their game plans once they got more film on him.

Holding realy needs a lot of work with the coaches on defending in short spaces and quicker feet and reaction times to danger. If and when he gets these down, he will be on his way to England legend status as he already has the confidence and competence of a modern defender to bring the ball out of the defensive end and initiate the attack.

He is a supreme talent but his development needs to some serious and careful guidance
He has some of the weaknesses JT had at that stage in his career but with the likes of Marcel Desailly by his side, he flew.
The veterans around Holding & the coaches need to get busy - we also have the Europa cup to get him & other young ones like Reine-Adelaide educated faster than the reserve league.
If I give you a good wine, you will see how it tastes and after you ask where it comes from,'' ""To put players in my team who are not good enough will not strengthen the England team, and would weaken the Arsenal team.''The only thing I can say is that whenever England do not win it is always my fault,even when I am not at the game".Wenger said.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by tolahs »

ohenhen1 wrote:Arsenal will mostly sell a lot of players this summer. No CL revenue. I hope that I am wrong.
Those days are past - the fans now can express their anger in a way they couldn't in the past - Stan got someone showing him the money - they'll have to spend.
If I give you a good wine, you will see how it tastes and after you ask where it comes from,'' ""To put players in my team who are not good enough will not strengthen the England team, and would weaken the Arsenal team.''The only thing I can say is that whenever England do not win it is always my fault,even when I am not at the game".Wenger said.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by amafolas »

Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:That the club messed up with the Wenger contract situation is an under statement. Although I cannot prove it, I think Wenger was also undermined by one or two at Board level. Rumours of Josh Kroenke and Galzidis are rife and sections of the fans are already on their case.

Gazidis was the one who gave press briefing about the Club wanting a DOF behind Wenger's back. Indeed, a lot of Arsenal people say Galzidis has been briefing against Wenger for a while now.

For me, the fact that Wenger will still not commit has me convinced him remaining is a 50/50 chance. He is not happy and wants changes. If he does not get them, he goes.
Biggest question is why?

Can't fathom the logic of how allowing situation to play out as is was in any way beneficial to anyone at Arsenal.
Arsenal has a problem. They don't have a strong football voice at the board level. They have dinosaurs, a disinterested owner with a somewhat interested son, and Gazidis.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by amafolas »

anikulapo wrote:My people make una take am easy on the Robbie Holding hype abeg una. Now while i said months ago that i would love for him to start over Mustafi, the more i watch his game, i see a lot of positives and intangibles, but there are some obvious flaws that if not corrected soon enough, will be exposed by astute eyes, once they have enough film and a body of work from him to look at.

He struggles in space because while he possesses good straight line speed, his lateral movement in small tight spaces is very slow ..... a really strange situation :???: :???: :???: :???: i noticed this far too often versus Stoke and on occasion versus Chelshyt even though he was better.

Before some of you simple minded clowns start woofing, i said the same about HB when some were calling him better than Ashley Cole, because even during the hype i pointed out his defensive flaws which were being covered up by his athleticism, until astute opponents starting highlighting them in their game plans once they got more film on him.

Holding realy needs a lot of work with the coaches on defending in short spaces and quicker feet and reaction times to danger. If and when he gets these down, he will be on his way to England legend status as he already has the confidence and competence of a modern defender to bring the ball out of the defensive end and initiate the attack.

He is a supreme talent but his development needs to some serious and careful guidance
not really that strange given his build. He is tall and pacy enough, but not nimble. He can get smarter about how to deal with those situations, but he has a physical limitation there that isn't going to go away.
"We will go through the gate. If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn’t work, we will parachute in. But we are going to get health-care reform passed"
Nancy Pelosi, 01/28/2010 after Scott Brown got elected to Ted Kennedy's senate seat.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by tolahs »

Waffiman wrote:
tolahs wrote:Gooner nation


Aaron Ramsey covered 14.4km today, a new record for a player in an FA Cup final. [@AFCStat] #afc

Kid showed - very trying heat for that energy - about time too - should score way more goals.
Take that in.

A fit Ramsey covers the most ground at the highest average speed per km in football. He also puts in the most physical sapping efforts in his kms, like the most offensive and defensive sprints, the most duels, most twists, turns etc etc.

There was a time I gave up on him after a long series of below par physical performances. I feared he was finished cos of too many injuries. But he is fit and confident again. He has benefited the most from the change of system/formation.

I actually now believe his physical effort is not sustainable all season and Arsenal must now manage him better.
Think he left the pitch vs Everton - also think AW has done a far better job of managing him after his return from injury especially our last run-in with fixture congestion - him & Danny have been given just enough workload - nice that they're going into their off season w/o major niggles - add the Ox to that list.

I'd given up on Ramsey - he still made better runs than most strikers but seemed to blow too many opps to score but after paying attn to the kid, i could see him snatching at chances, he'd lost a lot of confidence - sure he'd public beef with Piers - what this formation has done for him is mind blowing. He's getting better at picking when to make runs - his goal yesterday left N'Golo Kanté flat footed - he's becoming less predictable when it comes to making those run - gotta applaud AW for keeping faith.
The 1st goal came from his run too - what's left are his shooting boots - like you said - manage the kid cos he'll want to play always.
If I give you a good wine, you will see how it tastes and after you ask where it comes from,'' ""To put players in my team who are not good enough will not strengthen the England team, and would weaken the Arsenal team.''The only thing I can say is that whenever England do not win it is always my fault,even when I am not at the game".Wenger said.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Waffiman »

amafolas wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:That the club messed up with the Wenger contract situation is an under statement. Although I cannot prove it, I think Wenger was also undermined by one or two at Board level. Rumours of Josh Kroenke and Galzidis are rife and sections of the fans are already on their case.

Gazidis was the one who gave press briefing about the Club wanting a DOF behind Wenger's back. Indeed, a lot of Arsenal people say Galzidis has been briefing against Wenger for a while now.

For me, the fact that Wenger will still not commit has me convinced him remaining is a 50/50 chance. He is not happy and wants changes. If he does not get them, he goes.
Biggest question is why?

Can't fathom the logic of how allowing situation to play out as is was in any way beneficial to anyone at Arsenal.
Arsenal has a problem. They don't have a strong football voice at the board level. They have dinosaurs, a disinterested owner with a somewhat interested son, and Gazidis.
Latest rumour is Arsenal Board will not put any conditions, in an effort to keep their Manager. Wenger in charge of all football matters

There will be some role on football scouting but it is not a DOF and the person works to Wenger.

Wenger will sign a new deal.

Also talk of Ozil and Sanchez signing on looking good but dependent on Wenger staying.

Time will tell.
Arsène Wenger at Arsenal, 1996 to 2018. I was there.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

Globero wrote:
kajifu wrote:Uncle Aniks Rob Holding is the truth,He is the future and with more games he will only learn from mistakes .Mustafi is average player reason no top club even look at him. His gra gra rushing cost us some points.He is just ahead of Rob base on experience and older player that cost us 30 million.
Rob is the future captain if he keep his head down.I like what he did to Costa in the first half.Still alot of things for him to correct.
Uncle no one is hyping the boy.
People dey hype am o, kajifufu :taunt:
That is not hype consider how much we pay for him.How many players can give back a return like him base on wages and price they were bought?
The boy is even under hype sef,if he was over hype Wenger would have play him every game.He and Perez are the two stars Wenger has treated unfair and it has cost us CL and even a chance to fight for the league.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by kajifu »

Hopefully all this news around should be positive that Sanchez and Ozil sign.
If Wenger is leaving let him lie he si staying then when those guys sign he can resign that is health issue.
Just dont want us let two super players go but if its Ozil going i will not mind but mba not Sanchez
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by bepanda »

Ozil staying or Wenger staying are bad for Arsenal and great for Arsenal TV.
Ozil was again Arsenal weakest link during the FA Cup.
The misses, the turnovers ... etc.
kajifu wrote:Hopefully all this news around should be positive that Sanchez and Ozil sign.
If Wenger is leaving let him lie he si staying then when those guys sign he can resign that is health issue.
Just dont want us let two super players go but if its Ozil going i will not mind but mba not Sanchez
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by anikulapo »

bepanda wrote:Ozil staying or Wenger staying are bad for Arsenal and great for Arsenal TV.
Ozil was again Arsenal weakest link during the FA Cup.
The misses, the turnovers ... etc.
kajifu wrote:Hopefully all this news around should be positive that Sanchez and Ozil sign.
If Wenger is leaving let him lie he si staying then when those guys sign he can resign that is health issue.
Just dont want us let two super players go but if its Ozil going i will not mind but mba not Sanchez

This is what frustrates me with the club .... they just never learn .... whatever
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by amafolas »

Waffiman wrote:
amafolas wrote:
Tunisian Gooner wrote:
Waffiman wrote:That the club messed up with the Wenger contract situation is an under statement. Although I cannot prove it, I think Wenger was also undermined by one or two at Board level. Rumours of Josh Kroenke and Galzidis are rife and sections of the fans are already on their case.

Gazidis was the one who gave press briefing about the Club wanting a DOF behind Wenger's back. Indeed, a lot of Arsenal people say Galzidis has been briefing against Wenger for a while now.

For me, the fact that Wenger will still not commit has me convinced him remaining is a 50/50 chance. He is not happy and wants changes. If he does not get them, he goes.
Biggest question is why?

Can't fathom the logic of how allowing situation to play out as is was in any way beneficial to anyone at Arsenal.
Arsenal has a problem. They don't have a strong football voice at the board level. They have dinosaurs, a disinterested owner with a somewhat interested son, and Gazidis.
Latest rumour is Arsenal Board will not put any conditions, in an effort to keep their Manager. Wenger in charge of all football matters

There will be some role on football scouting but it is not a DOF and the person works to Wenger.

Wenger will sign a new deal.

Also talk of Ozil and Sanchez signing on looking good but dependent on Wenger staying.

Time will tell.
i hope so. I don't see any other way to make it work with Wenger. We are not currently set-up for a post-Wenger Arsenal. We would someday soon require a DoF like person someday to manage the transition from Wenger and manage the post-wenger era. I wish we had more football people at the board level. Gazidis, by design or experience, seems more like an soccer administrator than an football person. oh well.
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Cally »

bepanda wrote:Ozil staying or Wenger staying are bad for Arsenal and great for Arsenal TV.
Ozil was again Arsenal weakest link during the FA Cup.
The misses, the turnovers ... etc.
kajifu wrote:Hopefully all this news around should be positive that Sanchez and Ozil sign.
If Wenger is leaving let him lie he si staying then when those guys sign he can resign that is health issue.
Just dont want us let two super players go but if its Ozil going i will not mind but mba not Sanchez
At some point, you'd have to try and speak some truth about Ozil for a change. he made our team and attack tick in that FA Cup game. How you saw Ozil as the weakest link during that game beats me. There was no weak link in that game. To say that the current assist record holder in the EPL staying at Arsenal is bad for the club, shows how your mind works. I just rewatched the Everton game and the FA cup final, and Ozil was breathtaking at times during both games. This whole Ozil fixation is frankly childish and ridiculous, but if its what makes your life sweet, carry on.

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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by Blukyt »

If we are prepared to solidify our midfield and defence, and also getting a top #9 keeping Ozil is a MUST!

But if we are gonna be the same Arsenal then we will not get value for Ozil.

He has to be carried to get the best out of him. He's too pure of a #10. You have to build around him (top defence and quality strike force). E go cost!
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Re: The Arsenal FC-Related News & Developments for 2016/2017

Post by tolahs »


:agree: 8-) :lol: :D
If I give you a good wine, you will see how it tastes and after you ask where it comes from,'' ""To put players in my team who are not good enough will not strengthen the England team, and would weaken the Arsenal team.''The only thing I can say is that whenever England do not win it is always my fault,even when I am not at the game".Wenger said.

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