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Post by Cellular »


Since the creation of our forum we have seen the precipitous decline in the quality of posts and the increase in vulgar and abusive language. The CE Staff have tried to run the board based on old rules which have not been updated to deal with both old and new posters who have taken it upon themselves to turn CE into the own personal grudge pit. We cannot continue to operate like this. We expect people to be civil with one another and will like to be a different forum for true football fans. Should you choose not to obey forum rules, you will be reprimanded.

This is a voluntary job and the staff will always aspire to create and maintain the highest standards of interaction of any message board community of this nature. In order to do so, considerable time and effort have been expended to clearly outline and define them for the benefit of our members who seek a mature civil forum. Compliance with these rules and guidelines is NOT optional, it is a site requirement. Ignorance of the rules will not be considered a viable excuse for violations. As a member of Cyber Eagles Forum, your first responsibility is to familiarize yourselves with the rules and abide by them. Violations are subject to various penalties to be determined by our moderators. Some penalties are more serious than others. Questions regarding Moderating decisions can be addressed to the Staff on the Problems and Suggestions forum. Forumers with issues with moderators can PM the President of CE. And should you have an Admin/Moderator you feel has breached the same ethical conduct we expect of forumers, you can petition the Members of the Moderators/Admins Oversight Committee comprised of HeavyD, Enugu II, Ghanaba, and Ogbunigwe to sanction the erring CE Staff.

The moderators cannot be everywhere at once neither can they read every post. It is beholden on every forumer to assist Moderators by flagging a post that contravenes forum rules. We will try to moderate posts as fair as humanly possible. No Moderator is out to get anyone. Play by the rules and the will be no need for you to get into trouble. DO NOT attempt to take matters into your own hands. FLAG THE POST and the offending poster/post will be dealt with. Should you decide to take matters into your own hands, WE WILL MET OUT THE SAME PUNISHMENT TO YOU if you are found in contravention of forum rules regardless of whether you started it or not. WE WILL END IT.

The central point for this post is to remind Forumers of the rules. From henceforth, we shall have a ZERO tolerance policy for Insults, Abusive language, baiting of any kind and other forum rules that have led us to this current abyss.


1. Each member may own a single registered account.
Duplicate accounts will result in a suspension and banning of the IP address of all related accounts. Any attempt to circumvent any moderating action by registering a secondary account may result in a permanent banishment of all related accounts.

2. Use discretion in selecting an appropriate username.
Do not attempt to register inappropriate usernames, including, but not limited to, racial slurs, profanity and vulgarity (explicit or implicit).

3. Please be respectful of your fellow members.
While we encourage open discussions, every Forumer agrees to not post inappropriate material or topics. This includes but not limited to the following:
- content which is knowingly false,
- defamatory,
- deceptive,
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- tribalistic,
- racist,
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- abusive,
- inflammatory,
- vulgar,
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- or physically threatening.
- Baiting of a forumer is not allowed.
- It also includes posting anything invasive of another member's personal privacy outside of their posted content on CE, or in violation of any law including any stalking or otherwise harassing any member.

4. Do not attempt to circumvent the profanity filters.
Type in your word and let the filters do their job of substituting asterisks for letters. Then check your post to see if all profanity was filtered. Veiled or "subtle" attempts at using profanity are unacceptable. We allow the use of either all asterisks/symbols or none at all. For example "****" and "*&*%$" are acceptable, while “s**t” or “sh*t" are not. Do not attempt to use vernacular to abuse someone. It will be treated as an abuse regardless of the language it is written on.

5. Intellectual Property Violation.
Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.

Posting Guidelines:

* Before starting a thread, look atleast 2 pages in to the forum to see if a thread already exists on the topic. If it does exist, please reply in that thread. Just because you have something to say doesn't mean a new thread has to be created for it. There's a good chance that very topic you're thinking of is already being discussed.

* Proper credits and URL links must be provided for articles or reports that are not originally yours or your work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Please put EVERY article or work lifted from another site in quotes. Violators or threads that are in violation will either be locked or deleted without explanation.

* Please do not create multiple threads at one time.

* Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, which would include "one-word" or very short kneejerk posts. It's a waste of people's time, page space and the board's resources. Do not post just a link without posting a descriptor letting forumers know what the link is about.

* Please do not use ALL CAPS in your thread titles or posts. It's viewed as "screaming".

* Don't jump all over "newbies" (new posters) just because they're new to posting here.

* If a word is censored on this board, it will be replaced with astericks (*). Do not try to be creative in going around the censors by making sure people read vulgarity or can get to a site that is being linked to but has been banned here.

* A signature is something you can attach to your posts. Please do not make it too long. All signatures should not exceed 4 lines normal size, 8 lines small size and up to 90 chars per line. Font sizes above 2 are not allowed.

* Please keep in mind that this is an all ages forum, and is read and used by young football fans of both sexes as well.

* If you would like to inquire about a particular mod or admin action, we welcome any questions in the Problems and Suggestions forum. Please be civil, explain your point, and detail your opinion on it. You may question any mod or admin you like as long as you are not rude about it.

* The moderators do not have ability to read emails or private messages (PM) sent via these Forums. If you receive a message via the forums that you find inappropriate or offensive, place the sender on your ignore list. Then contact a moderator with details of the message contents and the sender. DO NOT take it upon yourself to open a thread in retaliation for an off forum altercation. The forums team will take what we deem to be appropriate action and if required, can verify details of alleged abuse by referring to the forums database or by checking the content of messages previously sent via these forums.

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* If someone is violating the rules or guidelines, please use the "PM" medium to contact a moderator. By not using this simple function to contact an admin/moderator and taking it upon yourself to jump down the throat of that poster, you actually add to the problem. Please let an administrator handle it.

While these rules cover most common situations, they cannot anticipate everything. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.

Any threads/posts of these types will be deleted and you can lose your account privileges for single or repeated violations.

Channel your complaints about moderators/administrators to other moderators/administrators using the PM medium as well as "Problems and Ideas" forum.


To ensure that the Cybereagles discussion forums provide a safe and friendly user environment, the forums moderators have the ability to relocate and remove posts and threads from the discussion forums.

Post Deletion
Posts that breach any of the rules outlined above are subject to deletion.

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Typically, threads are deleted if they fall into any of the following categories:

- Pointless - the thread contributes no value to the forum;
- Crosspost - the thread was posted to more than one forum;
- Flame baiting - the aim of the thread is to flame or start a fight;
- Duplicate - there is already a thread on the same or a very similar topic. Such thread could also be merged;
- Off-topic - such threads will either be relocated to the appropriate forum or deleted altogether;
- SPAM - the thread was advertising or thinly disguised market research.

Threads that do not fall exactly into one of the above categories, but which are deemed inappropriate due to their content or nature will also be deleted.

Thread Lock/Closure
Threads will be locked under any of the following circumstances:

- Off topic - the thread is going off topic, but mostly contains useful information;
- Flame war - the thread is turning into a flame war;
- Purpose fulfilled - the purpose of the thread has been fulfilled - the author's question was answered, the topic has become irrelevant, etc.

Threads that do not fall exactly into one of the above categories, but are deemed to have reached the end of their useful life, may also be closed. In cases where the reason for closure is not immediately obvious, a moderator will normally post a final message explaining the closure.

Warnings and Bans
Cybereagles Discussion Forums incorporate a warnings system. Members who break the forums rules will be issued with a formal warning by the moderation team if the offence is severe enough and this will be recorded in the "Warning panel" underneath your user profile.

If you have received a warning from the forums team you can click on the warnings panel to find out why.

Members who receive two formal warnings will be suspended or banned for a period deemed appropriate by the moderation team.

Members who persistently breach forums rules thereafter may be banned either temporarily or permanently from Cybereagles Discussion Forums.

A list of members under suspension or who have been suspended/banned will be put up on the Problems and Suggestion forum.

Moderation Explanations
Please do not start a new thread asking why your last thread was moved, deleted or closed. If you want to know why, contact a moderator, but please do not ask the community.

***This is first and foremost a Nigerian Site, anyone who comes in here to bait and taunt Nigerians will be banned indefinitely.

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Post by Cellular »

Vested Members with concerns, suggestions, objections on any question regarding the new (amended) rules can do so at the Village Hut!

...can't cry more than the bereaved!

Well done is better than well said!!!
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Post by Cellular »


Hello Forumers,

On behalf of the Administrative team and the team of Moderators, I will like to thank each and every Forumer for the support they have shown the team and for keeping Cyber Eagles thriving. We have all grown through the years from the noble effort of our founder Alhaji Johan Allard, a Swedish teenager who 25 years ago set up a webpage that transmuted to what we have today, popularly known as Cyber Eagles. To the efforts of our first board and Chief Larry Ashagbe for our domain name and so many other contributions, Rogba, President IAG, High Chief Suya and the Admin and Moderators, too many to list. The Forumers who have not only donated their time but their resources towards the up keep of the site. I really have to single out Yujam for his tireless effort in making the site run. To Juventuss for footing part of the hosting bill and the technical support from Nanijoe and the rest of the Admin team. This list can't be complete if we don't list the capo himself, Don Babafad and the very first original Cabal, the Mama Calabar Technical Committee made up of, CIC very old boy, Ayo, DaMunk, Waffi, Sir V, Larry, Princeless, Chokpesi, Gotti, HeavyD, TheYeyeman* (don't believe he is a real member...hasn't paid his dues in years), etc. Our Wassupians from US led by a man who starts a fight in an empty room, Uncle 1Naija and his ragtag of miscreants known as UBA, ably or should I say disablely assisted by Chief Ogbunigwe. We also have Prof. Enugu II leading the intellectuals and the sane ones, and no, Txj, you no follow join. In our Northern USA branch aka Canada we have the tortoise himself, Prof., Ohsee who is always looking to catch someone in a fabu. He has some sort of running lovefest with his Dr. Sabinus that no one can really explain. There are too many characters on Cyber Eagles to list. Each with his own unique style. To the ones that I didn't list, you belong in the echeteram echeteram group...please, no vex. Without you guys/gals we won't be around. Always willing to contribute by not only posting but answering the call whenever we needed funding. We appreciate the contributions. We keep transitioning, gaining new members and losing old members. Some we lost due to their untimely demise and some just outgrew this place. There are several characters that make CE what it is. From our Chief Contributing Editor to our news hound and resident GMB booster, Chief Lolly to the forum irritant, BigTurkey, my personal Ifa Priest, Emir Kongi Jaffa Joffa, they all contribute in their own way in making this site what we are today. To all and each member, I say thank you.

I wanted to use this medium to let the Forumers know that we are in the process of revamping the site. The plan is to undertake a system-wide upgrade that will see us running new software that will have the functionalities that other discussion and forums have. We intend to do it seamlessly (migrating old posts, and post count, etc) and will first test run it before we ALL adopt it. A schedule has not been drawn up yet but in the next weeks, we will start the design and modification of the software platform we intend to use. It is my hope that we will have it ready to roll out by the start of the new football season.

On another note, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to the forum the new additions to our Moderator and Administrative team. Please, join me in welcoming the following forumers to the Moderating and Administrative team:

Kalani Jr.

King Futcha

Thank you and God bless.


...can't cry more than the bereaved!

Well done is better than well said!!!
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Post by kalani JR »


Thanks guys.
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Post by cchinukw »

Nwanem, its an honour. Who wouldn't?

Thanks all. :mrgreen:
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Post by King Futcha »

Mama, we made it!

Saints baby we did it
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Post by Bigpokey24 »

pure rubbish

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Post by kalani JR »

King Futcha wrote:Mama, we made it! ... 002057.jpg
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Post by Bigpokey24 »

unbelievable, ohene, queeny and the clueless kalani are mods abi site admins.. this is pathetic

© Bigpokey24, most loved on CE
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Post by King Futcha »

Bigpokey24 wrote:unbelievable, ohene, queeny and the clueless kalani are mods abi site admins.. this is pathetic
thank you for the support BP, God Bless.
Saints baby we did it
“I am in my technical zone and I can’t hear the boos,” Domenech said.
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Post by Bigpokey24 »

King Futcha wrote:
Bigpokey24 wrote:unbelievable, ohene, queeny and the clueless kalani are mods abi site admins.. this is pathetic
thank you for the support BP, God Bless.
the only way i am staying on this forum is if i am made a mod... i am about to hit 80k post... and i will be done here... you people think i am loser broke into my crib stole my 2 TVs ( i don't know how one can come in and steal a 65 inch TV and a 55 inch TV ) these losers, took two blankets , 2 of my exes bought for me ..and to top it all the stole my travelling bag as well as my ps4 pro and abox..if you see my account online let me know... these losers broke into my crib when i was at work the day we beat Guinea...I didn't even watch the yeye match vs the cartoon nation, was out all sunday with my new girl..anyway i don pray for those losers.. I don't know how folks can be so bold with confidence to break into someone's home and walk away.. i bet you they even had shoes on messing up my carpet

© Bigpokey24, most loved on CE
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Post by ohenhen1 »

Thank you for your support @Bigpokey

:thumbs: :thumbs:

Seriously lets enjoy CE. A fun place to talk about the SE.
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Post by Bigpokey24 »

ohenhen1 wrote:Thank you for your support @Bigpokey

:thumbs: :thumbs:

Seriously lets enjoy CE. A fun place to talk about the SE.
i want to know how the heck you became a mod?

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Post by imehjunior »

I vividly remember my first day here . Totally an honor to serve.
"Nigeria's No.1 problem is that all the smart Nigerians and those who know the solutions to everything are hiding here on CE." 1naija
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Post by Damunk »

Cellular wrote:To the efforts of our first board and Chief Larry Ashagbe for our domain name and so many other contributions,
Chief, abeg no give my title to anoda persin.
Na me name this place Cybereagles o, nor be Larry.
Abi Larry don quietly collect my $5000 prize? :taunt: :taunt: :taunt: :taunt:

Just kidding, but I surprise say you don forget say na competition we take title this place. :thumb:
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Post by Man Ataye »

Bigpokey24 wrote:pure rubbish

Chei. C bittaness. Lol. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
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Post by balo »

Bigpokey24 wrote:
King Futcha wrote:
Bigpokey24 wrote:unbelievable, ohene, queeny and the clueless kalani are mods abi site admins.. this is pathetic
thank you for the support BP, God Bless.
the only way i am staying on this forum is if i am made a mod... i am about to hit 80k post... and i will be done here... you people think i am loser broke into my crib stole my 2 TVs ( i don't know how one can come in and steal a 65 inch TV and a 55 inch TV ) these losers, took two blankets , 2 of my exes bought for me ..and to top it all the stole my travelling bag as well as my ps4 pro and abox..if you see my account online let me know... these losers broke into my crib when i was at work the day we beat Guinea...I didn't even watch the yeye match vs the cartoon nation, was out all sunday with my new girl..anyway i don pray for those losers.. I don't know how folks can be so bold with confidence to break into someone's home and walk away.. i bet you they even had shoes on messing up my carpet

Sorry for your loss. Been in that spot before. In the US oo. Chei!! They used the blankets to wrap the TVs on their way out.

For 3 weeks I couldn't touch or clean up the rubbish they left.

The cops are just useless in such situations.
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Post by balo »

Congrats to the selected. Make CE a better place.
If Noah had been truly wise, he would have swatted those two flies. -- Helen Castle
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Post by Bigpokey24 »

balo wrote:
Bigpokey24 wrote:
King Futcha wrote:
Bigpokey24 wrote:unbelievable, ohene, queeny and the clueless kalani are mods abi site admins.. this is pathetic
thank you for the support BP, God Bless.
the only way i am staying on this forum is if i am made a mod... i am about to hit 80k post... and i will be done here... you people think i am loser broke into my crib stole my 2 TVs ( i don't know how one can come in and steal a 65 inch TV and a 55 inch TV ) these losers, took two blankets , 2 of my exes bought for me ..and to top it all the stole my travelling bag as well as my ps4 pro and abox..if you see my account online let me know... these losers broke into my crib when i was at work the day we beat Guinea...I didn't even watch the yeye match vs the cartoon nation, was out all sunday with my new girl..anyway i don pray for those losers.. I don't know how folks can be so bold with confidence to break into someone's home and walk away.. i bet you they even had shoes on messing up my carpet

Sorry for your loss. Been in that spot before. In the US oo. Chei!! They used the blankets to wrap the TVs on their way out.

For 3 weeks I couldn't touch or clean up the rubbish they left.

The cops are just useless in such situations.
the thieves are losers....thanks to God , I have insurance, so every thing is being replaced

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Man Ataye
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Post by Man Ataye »

Bigpokey24 wrote:
balo wrote:
Bigpokey24 wrote:
King Futcha wrote:
Bigpokey24 wrote:unbelievable, ohene, queeny and the clueless kalani are mods abi site admins.. this is pathetic
thank you for the support BP, God Bless.
the only way i am staying on this forum is if i am made a mod... i am about to hit 80k post... and i will be done here... you people think i am loser broke into my crib stole my 2 TVs ( i don't know how one can come in and steal a 65 inch TV and a 55 inch TV ) these losers, took two blankets , 2 of my exes bought for me ..and to top it all the stole my travelling bag as well as my ps4 pro and abox..if you see my account online let me know... these losers broke into my crib when i was at work the day we beat Guinea...I didn't even watch the yeye match vs the cartoon nation, was out all sunday with my new girl..anyway i don pray for those losers.. I don't know how folks can be so bold with confidence to break into someone's home and walk away.. i bet you they even had shoes on messing up my carpet

Sorry for your loss. Been in that spot before. In the US oo. Chei!! They used the blankets to wrap the TVs on their way out.

For 3 weeks I couldn't touch or clean up the rubbish they left.

The cops are just useless in such situations.
the thieves are losers....thanks to God , I have insurance, so every thing is being replaced

They are. Big losers. They did that to my father many moons ago here (usvi)!!!!
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Post by GG of G »

Sorry for your loss BigP. very sad. I remember the 2 or 3 times in Warri when I returned to my house after a burglary. Everything all over the place. And then the 2 Armed robbery experience before I fled the city I called home for 11 years. Very terrible experience. Don't worry, it just means you are getting an upgrade on your stuff....
"Do not be Misled. God is not one to be mocked. Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap." Gal 6:7
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Post by Cellular »

Damunk wrote:
Cellular wrote:To the efforts of our first board and Chief Larry Ashagbe for our domain name and so many other contributions,
Chief, abeg no give my title to anoda persin.
Na me name this place Cybereagles o, nor be Larry.
Abi Larry don quietly collect my $5000 prize? :taunt: :taunt: :taunt: :taunt:

Just kidding, but I surprise say you don forget say na competition we take title this place. :thumb:
Yes na you way baptize us. :thumbs:
How can I forget? I was talking about registering the domain name.

...can't cry more than the bereaved!

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Post by niyi »

King Futcha wrote:
Bigpokey24 wrote:unbelievable, ohene, queeny and the clueless kalani are mods abi site admins.. this is pathetic
thank you for the support BP, God Bless.
Please ban him
Ona t'Olorun ngba soro
lati se ise re
ona re enikan ko mo
awamaridi ni!

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