Cardinal Francis Arinze; The Pope in waiting?

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Cardinal Francis Arinze; The Pope in waiting?


Cardinal Francis Arinze

Despite the taboo within the Vatican about discussing papal succession, some cardinals have begun to say openly that the next heir to St Peter should be an African. If so, there is only one candidate

The subhead of this article stated, if Cardinal Francis Arinze should succeed Pope John Paul II, he would be the first African pope. The text made it clear that he would be "the first African in 1,500 years to sit on the throne of St Peter". Three Africans have already occupied the office, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia: Victor (around AD 183-203), Mechiades or Militiades (possibly AD 311-314), and Gelasius (AD 492-496).

The Vatican has a thing about colour. There is a white cassock for the pontiff; scarlet cloaks for the cardinals; navy and gold uniforms for the Swiss Guards; yellow for the flag - and soon, we might know whether there is white smoke for a black pope.

Behind the dark shutters overlooking St Peter's Square, the leader of the Roman Catholic church is ailing, possibly dying. His aides seem to be preparing the public with solemn pronouncements saying he is in a very bad way, prompting some in the crowds gathered beneath his window this week to weep.

Others cast their eyes to the right of the apostolic palace, to the window of a cardinal who could become very famous very soon. Francis Arinze is tipped by some to succeed John Paul II and become the first African in 1,500 years to sit on the throne of St Peter.

If he does, the world will devour every detail about this stocky Nigerian - that he spent his early years in the countryside outside the Catholic faith; that he loves tennis and football; that he hangs African masks on his apartment walls; that he thinks Muslims, Buddhists and Jews can go to heaven; and that he stopped taking sugar in his tea during the Biafran war.

For many, the most compelling detail would be his race: a black man with more international influence than many white prime ministers and presidents. As pope he would wield a unique blend of spiritual and political power, able to mobilise the opinions of up to a billion Catholics and sway the policies of nation states.

It has been quite a journey from the baked red earth of Eziowelle, a village in south-east Nigeria, to the marbled halls of Rome, where Cardinal Arinze, , is the prefect of the congregation for divine worship and the discipline of the sacraments, a post which puts him in charge of liturgy, and number four in the Vatican hierarchy.

"It has been a meteoric rise," said Gerard O'Connell, a Vatican analyst who this week published a book of interviews with the cardinal, called God's Invisible Hand. "The guy is is very bright and astute and able to communicate in simple language. He has a great sense of joy."

Cardinal Arinze was first touted as papabile - "popeable" - by another Vatican analyst, Peter Hebblethwaite, in 1992. Since then he has stayed on the notional shortlist of successors, seldom putting a foot wrong in the writings, speeches and diplomacy by which cardinals are evaluated.

Any open backing for a candidacy is frowned upon in as much as it anticipates the incumbent's death. However, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, a confidant of John Paul and the Vatican's theological watchdog, came close when he said electing an African pope "would be a positive sign for the whole of Christendom".

"For all its condemnation of racism, the western world still has reservations about the third world," Cardinal Ratzinger said. "Yet, in Africa for example, we have truly great figures whom we can only admire. They are fully up to the job." Two Latin American cardinals recently swelled that chorus.

John Allen, the author of a book about the next papal election, Conclave, said a recurring theme in their interviews with 45 cardinals was a desire for a pope from the developing world - "which could mean Arinze. To be frank, there are not many other Africans".

However, Mr Allen does not rank the Nigerian in the top 5 - only in the top 20 - partly because there are strong Latin American candidates, and partly because there is a desire by some Italians to "reclaim" a job which they see as being "lent" to a Pole after centuries of Italians.

Austen Ivereigh, the deputy editor of the Catholic weekly the Tablet, also puts Cardinal Arinze in the top 20.

John Paul's successor will be elected by a conclave of 135 cardinals aged under 80. Gathered in the Sistine chapel, they will each write a name on a card, kneel at the altar, and slide the ballot into a chalice. A two-thirds majority is needed, so there can be many rounds before a consensus emerges.

Cardinal Arinze's geniality could tip the balance, said Mr Ivereigh: "He is not known to get up people's noses."

White smoke pluming from the chapel will signal that the choice has been made, and a short while later - his white cassock adjusted by Rome's Gammarelli tailors - the new pope will appear at the basilica window to greet the crowds. If it turns out to be Cardinal Arinze, it will compel universal recognition that two thirds of Catholics live below the equator, and that Europeans no longer dominate the church.

Born on November 1 1932 - All Saints' Day - Francis Arinze was the third of seven children. His parents, Joseph and Bernadette, worshipped traditional Ibo deities, but sent Francis to an Irish missionary school. By the age of nine he had decided to be baptised and set out on the path to priesthood.

For his ordination, he sailed to Liverpool in 1955 and caught a train to Rome, carrying his luggage on to the No 64 bus to the Vatican. He won top grades for his doctoral thesis on sacrifice in the Ibo religion, foreshadowing his future effort to bring elements of African tradition into Catholic services.

He studied teaching in London in 1963 and returned to Nigeria two years later to become the world's youngest bishop, aged 32. After attending the second Vatican council, he returned home to a civil war between Nigeria and Biafran secessionists which had killed a million people by 1970.

In his interviews with Mr O'Connell, Cardinal Arinze recalls being on the run from Nigerian forces, witnessing horrors and sheltering from falling bombs. "He concluded that war makes problems more acute, it doesn't solve them," said Mr O'Connell.

Cardinal Arinze presided over a boom in the numbers working for the church, and annoyed some by insisting his priests could only drive modest cars. John Paul was so impressed when he visited in 1982 that he summoned him to Rome to manage the Vatican's relations with other faiths.

Shuttling to synagogues, mosques and temples, he forged ties with other religions while maintaining the Pope's strict line on doctrine.

"The beautiful thing about the cardinal is that he can say the hardest thing with a smile on his face and not offend people," said one colleague.

If "handling" communism was the Vatican's 20th-century challenge, Islam is widely thought to be this century's, and one which Cardinal Arinze is equipped to face.

"He is a popular fellow. He makes you laugh, he doesn't stand on ceremony, he answers his own phone, and he's comfortable with women," said one woman on the diplomatic circuit.

But there are some who say Cardinal Arinze is an intellectual lightweight - that he parrots John Paul and would be out of his depth with world leaders. "He is seen as not especially creative, an unoriginal thinker," said Mr Allen.

But Ian Linden, a former director of the Catholic Institute for International Relations, said it was not necessary for a pope to be an outstanding intellectual - "especially since Arinze has been careful to keep highly skilled intellectuals around him".

A more serious concern is his political antennae. Some audiences have given his words standing ovations, but others have been been infuriated and bewildered. There were protests at Georgetown University in the US when he seemed to equate homosexuality with pornography, fornication and adultery. In a lesser-known incident in London, he insisted that altar girls should remain immobile during mass.

But such conservatism wins support from potential kingmakers such as Cardinal Ratzinger, while his championing of human rights, debt relief and tolerance for other religions plays well with some progressives.

In the book of interviews published this week, Cardinal Arinze says: "I will not manoeuvre, I will not do politicking, I will not try to arrange my future."

Admirers say he is humble. Cynics say he "does" humble. Either way, papal electors love humble.

Life in short

Born: 1932, Eziowelle, Onitsha state

Education: Bigard seminary, Nigeria; Urban University, Rome; London University

Career: Ordained 1958; consecrated bishop (Africa's youngest) 1965; first black archbishop of Onitsha 1967; called by John Paul II to Vatican in 1984; elevated cardinal 1985; president of Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue 1984-2002; prefect of divine worship and discipline of sacraments, 2002 to date.

Publications: Sacrifice in Ibo Religion, 1970; Answering God's Call, 1983; Alone With God, 1986; Church in Dialogue, 1990; Meeting Other Believers, 1997; Holy Eucharist, 2001; Religions for Peace, 2002.
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Post by SSTAR »

CS, great question.
The odds against a black Pope in these times are so great there is no need even thinking about it. For all the church's claim to haven overcome all types of prejudices, this is one they can't rock the racial boat on. Not especially today when the church is seeing a drop in the congregation. As been previously stated, religion is a business. Any business that intends on growing, never negate the opinion of its clients, and the Catholic church is no different.
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Post by Ziontrain »

Actually religious adherence is dropping in Europe, USA aint Catholic leaning. And even in Italy you hear about people dont go to church anymore. So an Italian Cardinal will not have a base to inspire many people.

Africa, with (it population growth and rligious mania) is projected as one of the greatest markets for these Catholic Church people in the next few decades.

So this is not a joke - it may happen. Personally, I think that all they want to do is suck money out of Africa. The Catholic church is not a religious organization, not any more than FIFA is a "non-profit sporting association"!

What the Catholic Chruch is about is generating money from a base. Every priest is an area manager. The Bishop is a regional manger. These Cardinals are country/territory managers and so on. Its ALL business. They get this money from poor peoplem they take it to Europe and they weild power all over the world.

And for me that is the sad thing. We are a poor continent and this is going to be a net drain on us. We had spirtuality and morality way before anybody came along with a cross or holy water - or a collection tray.....
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Zion train you took the words right out of my mouth.
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Post by Ayo Akinfe »

Arinze is number three on the list though. I doubt if he can win it if you look at the way the votes are stacked up at the moment.
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Post by ROSSIKE »

Ziontrain said:
We had spirtuality and morality way before anybody came along with a cross or holy water - or a collection tray.....
So true, Zion.
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A black pope :!: Nobody will believe him, as nobody believe UN Annan
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Post by mate »


I am a Catholic of European descent and I would absolutely love to see Arinze as Pope, or any suitable candidate from Africa. This is a great opportunity for the Catholic Church to continue the momentum garnered by appointing John Paul II from Poland, making a concrete gesture regarding the diversity of the Church.

Stay tuned, it just might indeed happen. It would be a powerfully productive and positive statement for an institution that has been rocked by a series of scandals and tepid participation from its membership.

I also agree with observations, in general, about Catholicism, or religion in general, fading from an increasingly secular Europe...which is a pity and something, I believe, which doesn't bode well.

Cheers, Mate
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Post by Ebyboy »

It's probably a long shot but I am keeping my fingers crossed.

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Post by Ayo Akinfe »

mate wrote:Gentlemen

I am a Catholic of European descent and I would absolutely love to see Arinze as Pope, or any suitable candidate from Africa. This is a great opportunity for the Catholic Church to continue the momentum garnered by appointing John Paul II from Poland, making a concrete gesture regarding the diversity of the Church.

Stay tuned, it just might indeed happen. It would be a powerfully productive and positive statement for an institution that has been rocked by a series of scandals and tepid participation from its membership.

I also agree with observations, in general, about Catholicism, or religion in general, fading from an increasingly secular Europe...which is a pity and something, I believe, which doesn't bode well.

Cheers, Mate
Africa is about a century behind Europe. In about 100 years time, Africa would be where Europe is today and the improvements in the economy, better education, longer lifespans, more hope, reduced ignorance, fear and mysticism and the availablility of other forms of recreation, will make the continent secular too.

As per those clamouring for Arhinze, I ask you what good it would bring to Africa or Nigeria. What good did the appointments of Kofi Annan or Rilwanu Lukman do for the continent.

Senegal has produced the head of the Food and Agricultural Organisation and the head of the International Olympic Commitee. What benefits have these appointments brought the country?
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Post by Ebyboy »

Ayo Akinfe wrote:
mate wrote:Gentlemen

I am a Catholic of European descent and I would absolutely love to see Arinze as Pope, or any suitable candidate from Africa. This is a great opportunity for the Catholic Church to continue the momentum garnered by appointing John Paul II from Poland, making a concrete gesture regarding the diversity of the Church.

Stay tuned, it just might indeed happen. It would be a powerfully productive and positive statement for an institution that has been rocked by a series of scandals and tepid participation from its membership.

I also agree with observations, in general, about Catholicism, or religion in general, fading from an increasingly secular Europe...which is a pity and something, I believe, which doesn't bode well.

Cheers, Mate
Africa is about a century behind Europe. In about 100 years time, Africa would be where Europe is today and the improvements in the economy, better education, longer lifespans, more hope, reduced ignorance, fear and mysticism and the availablility of other forms of recreation, will make the continent secular too.

As per those clamouring for Arhinze, I ask you what good it would bring to Africa or Nigeria. What good did the appointments of Kofi Annan or Rilwanu Lukman do for the continent.

Senegal has produced the head of the Food and Agricultural Organisation and the head of the International Olympic Commitee. What benefits have these appointments brought the country?
You make good points as usual even though you like to be contrarian more often than not. If nothing these Africans you mention have blazed a path of achievement that fellow Africans can emulate.

It might be that the benefit to the continent can only be tenuosly derived but their achievements did not hurt us either.

It is also possible that some time in the future the cadre of people that would close that arbitrary century gap would emerge from those who have functioned at those high levels around the world.

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Post by mate »

Africa is about a century behind Europe. In about 100 years time, Africa would be where Europe is today and the improvements in the economy, better education, longer lifespans, more hope, reduced ignorance, fear and mysticism and the availablility of other forms of recreation, will make the continent secular too.
One, an African Pope indeed would be an inspirational symbol, all things being equal, to other Africans, a powerful catalyst in and of itself.

Two, an African Pope would command moral and material power to catalyze global assistance for Africa.

Three, without getting into too much detail, I absolutely believe it was Europe's Judeo-Christian heritage that indeed helped advance the continent to a great degree...along with other significant geographic factors.

At the very least, an African Pope wouldn't hurt, no?

Cheers, Mate
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Post by Ayo Akinfe »

mate wrote:Ayo
Africa is about a century behind Europe. In about 100 years time, Africa would be where Europe is today and the improvements in the economy, better education, longer lifespans, more hope, reduced ignorance, fear and mysticism and the availablility of other forms of recreation, will make the continent secular too.
One, an African Pope indeed would be an inspirational symbol, all things being equal, to other Africans, a powerful catalyst in and of itself.

Two, an African Pope would command moral and material power to catalyze global assistance for Africa.

Three, without getting into too much detail, I absolutely believe it was Europe's Judeo-Christian heritage that indeed helped advance the continent to a great degree...along with other significant geographic factors.

At the very least, an African Pope wouldn't hurt, no?

Cheers, Mate
I fail to see how this will be the case when an African UN secretary general cannot get the continent's debts wiped off. Arinze will be a prisoner of the Catholic Church and its philosophy. Even if he wants to help, his hands will be tied by the establishment.

As per Europe, it was the industrial revolution that sparked its progress. What Africa needs is industrialisation, not a leading cleric!

Post by realtrouble »

You make good points as usual even though you like to be contrarian more often than not. If nothing these Africans you mention have blazed a path of achievement that fellow Africans can emulate.

It might be that the benefit to the continent can only be tenuosly derived but their achievements did not hurt us either.

It is also possible that some time in the future the cadre of people that would close that arbitrary century gap would emerge from those who have functioned at those high levels around the world.

Contrary to your post, black people would think twice before accepting a leadership post in a white man controlled organisation.

Somehow Colin Powell and Kofi Annan proves that the black man is impotent when in the position of power, both leaders were used as figurehead and scapgoats in their respective organisation but at least we can learn from their mistake.

The Vatican are looking for a f00l to lead an organisation associated with everything wrong in the Christian faith.
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Post by Vindave »

Ayo Akinfe wrote:Arinze is number three on the list though. I doubt if he can win it if you look at the way the votes are stacked up at the moment.
who are the other contestants pls? and amongst the other Africans, who is the most senior? should in case the ball rolls down to Africa.
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Arinze is the only African in contention.....
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Post by Thought »

realtrouble wrote:

Contrary to your post, black people would think twice before accepting a leadership post in a white man controlled organisation.

Somehow Colin Powell and Kofi Annan proves that the black man is impotent when in the position of power, both leaders were used as figurehead and scapgoats in their respective organisation but at least we can learn from their mistake.

The Vatican are looking for a f00l to lead an organisation associated with everything wrong in the Christian faith.
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Realtrouble, what is wrong with the Catholic church? I am curious.....
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Post by SSTAR »

Ayo Akinfe wrote:I fail to see how this will be the case when an African UN secretary general cannot get the continent's debts wiped off. Arinze will be a prisoner of the Catholic Church and its philosophy. Even if he wants to help, his hands will be tied by the establishment.
As per Europe, it was the industrial revolution that sparked its progress. What Africa needs is industrialisation, not a leading cleric!
Ayo, well said jare.
Until Africans understand the difference between cosmetic and real appointments/power, we will continue to fall for all the western attempts to patronise with symbolic titles. Though I still cannot see an African pope emerging in these times, even if one does there is very little the person in such position can do in the present situation where powerful countries show little regard to the church. I recall the the current pope speaking against the evils of war befor the start of the current Iraq war, with those comments not even acknowledged.
Western racial propanganda toward Africans and blacks in general have done enough damage to the psyche of their people that they seem not ready for black leadership of any type. Come on guys, this is the year 2005 and Europeans still see black football players as monkeys, the racial tension in the US and UK are still there, and despite astounding individual achievements, blacks in general are still patronised as needing help and direction.
We Africans I believe, have more than enough spiritualism. What we need, as Ayo already stated, is more realism.
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Post by Ziontrain »

Personally I am not in support of anything that helps the Catholic Church get their hooks more into us. And that is the main reason they will consider to put a black face on their activities.

But if you know anything about art history then you will understand the cost of the Cathedrals full of gold and art that these guys created in Europe - and the poverty of the people who were actually funding those things. T

Its just immoral IMO. We dont want any figurehead black man to help them with that.
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Post by Ayo Akinfe »

I would settle for the wiping off of Africa's debts over any international appointments anyday.
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Ziontrain wrote:Personally I am not in support of anything that helps the Catholic Church get their hooks more into us. And that is the main reason they will consider to put a black face on their activities.

But if you know anything about art history then you will understand the cost of the Cathedrals full of gold and art that these guys created in Europe - and the poverty of the people who were actually funding those things. T

Its just immoral IMO. We dont want any figurehead black man to help them with that.
Ziontrain is it any different from any opther church out there? The evangelical churches for instance insist in recieving 10 percent or more of the salaries of their congregation. The bottom line is that all churches are exploitative.
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Post by ola34 »

Ayo Akinfe wrote:
mate wrote:Gentlemen

I am a Catholic of European descent and I would absolutely love to see Arinze as Pope, or any suitable candidate from Africa. This is a great opportunity for the Catholic Church to continue the momentum garnered by appointing John Paul II from Poland, making a concrete gesture regarding the diversity of the Church.

Stay tuned, it just might indeed happen. It would be a powerfully productive and positive statement for an institution that has been rocked by a series of scandals and tepid participation from its membership.

I also agree with observations, in general, about Catholicism, or religion in general, fading from an increasingly secular Europe...which is a pity and something, I believe, which doesn't bode well.

Cheers, Mate
Africa is about a century behind Europe. In about 100 years time, Africa would be where Europe is today and the improvements in the economy, better education, longer lifespans, more hope, reduced ignorance, fear and mysticism and the availablility of other forms of recreation, will make the continent secular too.

As per those clamouring for Arhinze, I ask you what good it would bring to Africa or Nigeria. What good did the appointments of Kofi Annan or Rilwanu Lukman do for the continent.

Senegal has produced the head of the Food and Agricultural Organisation and the head of the International Olympic Commitee. What benefits have these appointments brought the country?
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