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I'll plot the downfall of Cameroon — Chukwu

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:01 pm
by pens
I'll plot the downfall of Cameroon — Chukwu

Friday, February 06, 2004

Super Eagles handler ,Christian Chukwu has insisted he would plot the downfall of Cameroon in Sunday’s explosive Nations Cup quarter-final match.

The coach, who has come under severe criticisms for the lack-lustre performance of his team to the extent that many feel that the tie with Cameroun would be a mere formality as the Lions would not only bare their fangs on the Eagles but also beat them silly, said that Eagles would triumph.

Chukwu has been absolving all the heat as he said that he would shock so many people against Cameroun.

“Look, we may not be playing good football, sassy football, the type that many would be applauding to game after game. But, I have what it takes to beat Cameroun. That is what I am going back to do with the team. I’ll plot the downfall of Cameroun if they think they have the magic of beating Nigeria in every encounter”, said Chukwu who was jibed by many journalists for the unimaginative play of the Eagles in Wednesday’s match with Benin Republic.

“We all came to this competition with one thing at the back of our minds. That is to win the Cup. At the end of the preliminary stage, some teams have to go back. It is part of the game and that does not mean that those teams did not prepare well or do not have what it takes to play in the final.

There is always a thin line between the victor and the vanquished. For us, we had adequate preparation but ran into bad weather in the opening match against Morocco and lost. We quickly went back to work and came out smoking against South Africa and you all saw the difference and we won convincingly, too. Against Benin, who had nothing to lose and they threw everything to it to frustrate us. We were leading two goals before their equaliser came. To an ordinary eye, the match might appear to be scrappy but you have forgotten that minor teams like Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Kenya caused upsets in their last preliminary matches against top rated teams. This is football.

The gap between the so called super teams have been closed. I am taking one thing at a time. After that initial bad play against Morocco, many thought that we won’t get past South Africa. We are moving forward and the talk is that Cameroun would flog us. If you watched the Cameroonian team closely, you would see that they have their problems. We are not boasting of beating them silly but we are surging ahead in this competition. When we entered for this competition, there were no special teams we wanted to play and others to avoid. Any team that comes your way automatically becomes your immediate threat.

Cameroun, no doubt, have been a thorn in the flesh of Nigerians. They are a good side. They are the defending champions. We are ready for them and would play a match that might not interest many but come out victorious”, Chukwu said.

He adds that the boys know the importance of the match against Cameroun and would rise up to the task of making Nigerians proud.
“People have to be positive in their talks. Cameroun don’t wear mask to play. They are humans and we are going to confront them in a match that would be tough but very rewarding to Nigerians”, he assured.

Re: I'll plot the downfall of Cameroon — Chukwu

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:04 pm
by 1naija
I hope Chukwu is not actually saying these things when he should be concentrating on the game plan and perfecting his stragedy.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:05 pm
by Fourteen
Hmmn - seems like he plans to make this a mid-field battle eh??
and would play a match that might not interest many but come out victorious”,

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:06 pm
by juventuss
Lefak wrote:Hmmn - seems like he plans to make this a mid-field battle eh??
and would play a match that might not interest many but come out victorious”,

seems so too.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:49 pm
by Cyber Saint
hear, hear!!
da able chairman has spoken.

well, as i said earlier, as long as we'll be fine as long as can disable cameroun's black magic. this is one match we really need prayers, real prayers, more than anything else.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:52 pm
by Eagle Winged
I believe in Chukwu.

He's already plotted the downfall of Nigeria, maybe he can do the double.

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:06 pm
by Cyber Saint
lol, EW, i give up on you :D

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:58 pm
by Eaglezbeak
I just hope Chuckw has learnt from the group stage.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:58 am
by Cyber Saint
Eaglezbeak wrote:I just hope Chuckw has learnt from the group stage.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:44 am
by bobbye
Chukwu go out do your thing,give it your 101% even if you loose you are not the first niether will be the last Nigerian coach that have lost to Cameroon. No matter the outcome hold your head high.You have contrbuted immensely to the growth of football in Nigeria. Really I wish only 10% of Nigerians have contributed as much you have in thier respective professions. Nigeria will not be where it is today. I wonder why most these people are demanding perfection from you but in thier choosen profession they do not come close. Look at the state of economy in a country excessively blessed with every natural resources in the world. Please who ever lives in glass house should not throw stones. Mr chairman go out there do your very best and satify your conscience .

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 9:55 am
by khalela
We want to see the hatching of the plot. Me and at least one million other Nigerians.

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 10:37 am
by mlkama
Cameroon in trouble.