video of Arsenal fans throwing banana at Ade

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Re: video of Arsenal fans throwing banana at Ade

Post by yaya »

Babafad wrote:
yaya wrote:You, my friend, may just be a compound fool! a village idi0ot at that. Ignorance is better than self-loathe. better look in the mirror and recognize that at the emirates, you are a #$%$*! you are a second class person, you are seen as beneath the "better" whites. they use your money to buy bananas and nooses to hang you and your kind. they there.

Inferiority complex is really gnawing away at your soul and is seriously compounding your ignorance. Try losing that chip on your shoulder, it might just lighten the burden you are having to bear. :oops:

Adebawhore's reaction was totally irresponsible. Incitement to riot is an arrestable offence and goading an already obviously disappointed group of people is not an excusable reaction for someone paid vast, vast sums of money to behave in a professional manner on a football pitch. His actions endangered everybody in the Arsenal away section and injuries were clearly visible. Adebawhore cannot use the excuse of emotion, he was simply an angel* who had taken leave of his senses having scored a well taken and crucial goal.

Whilst not condoning the throwing of ANYTHING, all this banana crap was an AFTER THE FACT act on the part of the Arsenal fans. It was a situation Adebawhore engineered and he got the "reward" he deserved.

The bananas were thrown at Adebawhore, not at me and the rest of my kin-folk. If those now crying buckets feel that the bananas were aimed at them as well, all I can do is offer the same advice I gave earlier............please remove that chip from you shoulder. It might just help you make a bit more progress in life. 8-)
Atleast, now your position is not only known, it is documented. I refer you wuickly to Nelson Mandela, Malcom X, Dr King and Rosa Park. only if they had said "it has noting to do with me, they only called that lousy Mr. Ansalime a Ni@@er. they never called me a Ni@@er. let Ansalime fight for himself." where would we, you! I! and everyone of us betoday?

having read your response, I dont intend to in sult you any further. there's no point. i feel deeply and painfully sorry for you. It is not your fault that you think this way. I only wish that one day, you will no better. one day, you will realise and understad that we, as black people, and we, as humans in general, must always stand up for one another and support one another. Today its you, tomorrow its me. Anyways, God bless...
Re: video of Arsenal fans throwing banana at Ade

Post by yaya »

@ Babafad when they came for Adebayor, you did not speak out because you are not Adebayor. However, when they come for you, there will be no one to speak for you.
"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me-- and there was no one left to speak out for me
---Martin Niemoller
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Re: video of Arsenal fans throwing banana at Ade

Post by Bigpokey24 »

Let me bump this thread

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Re: video of Arsenal fans throwing banana at Ade

Post by Bigpokey24 »

bumping this up to see the sickness of assanal ce spammers

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Re: video of Arsenal fans throwing banana at Ade

Post by cchinukw »

Chelsea FC fans have an ugly record and its official. Facts not emotions :lol: :lol: :lol:

The most racist fans in English football trying to act like saints :lol: :lol: Enough with the fake outrage :laugh: ... e-home-405
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