Alan Keyes' daughter comes out of the closet

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Alan Keyes' daughter comes out of the closet

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Alan Keyes' Daughter Comes Out
Compiled by the DiversityInc staff
© 2005
February 14, 2005
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Analysis of today's diversity news from The Mississippi Press, The New York Times, The Miami Herald, Roll Call, CBS News, and more:

Although she disagrees with him on "almost everything," Maya Keyes loves her father, Republican politician Alan Keyes. But the two could not be any more different. Maya Keyes is a self-described "liberal queer" and her father is a conservative Christian who has denounced homosexuality publicly—even after learning about his daughter's sexual orientation. Ironically, Alan Keyes made news last fall when he lashed out at Vice President d#$% Cheney's lesbian daughter Mary Cheney, who he called a "selfish hedonist." So it's not surprising that Alan Keyes' relationship with his daughter has hit a wall. He recently cut her off (registration required), refusing to let her stay at his Chicago apartment or to pay for the 19-year-old's college tuition.

Maya Keyes granted an interview last week, but she had to communicate with the gay publication via e-mail from a Chicago public library because she had nowhere else to go. She said her parents' initial reaction to news that she was a lesbian was denial. "They said I wasn't really queer--I was either lying about it or just confused or going through a phase or brainwashed, etc. Then they just got angry, upset--my mom in particular," she said. "It was best if we just stayed quiet and pretended the whole queer issue never happened. Occasionally we'd have arguments or long talks where they reminded me how horrible and sinful homosexuality is, but mostly if it didn't come up, our relationship stayed pretty OK. Recently things have gotten a lot worse, though, because I'm not staying quiet about it anymore."

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The private dispute between father and daughter became semi-public news last year, when bloggers found Maya Keyes' Web site, in which she wrote about her life, including her tempestuous relationship with her father, who was running against Barack Obama for Illinois' open U.S. Senate seat at the time. But the story will become even more public after Maya Keyes makes her debut as an activist today at a rally in Annapolis, Md., sponsored by Equality Maryland, the state's gay-rights lobbying group. She told Washington Post columnist Marc Fisher she plans to discuss "what it was like for me growing up as a liberal queer in a very conservative household. I've known so many other people in a position like mine, where their families really don't want much to do with them. Maybe I can help by talking about it," she said.

Speaking out could help others, but it also has helped Maya. Just a few hours after leaving the Chicago library, Maya found a place to live and a way to pay Brown University's high tuition. The Point Foundation, which provides scholarships to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender college students, is giving Maya a hand. The group focuses on students with leadership potential. It's obvious that Point has made a solid investment.

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Post by anikulapo »

Wow :shock: :shock: :shock:

Another buffoon big mouth negro like Cosby. After all the sanctimony, they all get exposed as hypocrites one way or the other.

Ewu :roll: :roll:
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Post by nanijoe »

I actually have nothing but disdain for Keyes, but pray tell how did he get exposed as a hypocrite int his matter?
anikulapo wrote:Wow :shock: :shock: :shock:

Another buffoon big mouth negro like Cosby. After all the sanctimony, they all get exposed as hypocrites one way or the other.

Ewu :roll: :roll:
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Post by anikulapo »

nanijoe wrote:I actually have nothing but disdain for Keyes, but pray tell how did he get exposed as a hypocrite int his matter?
anikulapo wrote:Wow :shock: :shock: :shock:

Another buffoon big mouth negro like Cosby. After all the sanctimony, they all get exposed as hypocrites one way or the other.

Ewu :roll: :roll:

Wasnt he the one talking smack about Cheney's daughter when his own brat was munching the carpet as well :idea: :idea: :idea:

I mean, he should have read the scripture that says, take out the log in your eye before looking at the speck in mine......
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.....

"“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.”

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Post by Cellular »

When Sexuality Undercuts A Family's Ties
By Marc Fisher (C) Washington Post
Sunday, February 13, 2005;

Maya Keyes loves her father and mother. She put off college and moved from the family home in Darnestown to Chicago to be with her dad on a grand adventure. Even though she disagrees with him on "almost everything" political, she worked hard for his quixotic and losing campaign for the U.S. Senate.

Now Maya Keyes -- liberal, lesbian and a little lost -- finds herself out on her own. She says her parents -- conservative commentator and perennial candidate Alan Keyes and his wife, Jocelyn -- threw her out of their house, refused to pay her college tuition and stopped speaking to her.

Maya, 19, says her parents cut her off because of who she is -- "a liberal queer." Tomorrow, she will take her private dispute with her dad into the open. She is scheduled to make her debut as a political animal, speaking at a rally in Annapolis sponsored by Equality Maryland, the state's gay rights lobby.

She plans to talk about "what it was like for me growing up as a liberal queer in a very conservative household. I've known so many other people in a position like mine, where their families really don't want much to do with them. Maybe I can help by talking about it."
During his failed campaign last fall against Barack Obama (D) for the Illinois Senate seat, Alan Keyes lashed out at Mary Cheney, the lesbian daughter of Vice President Cheney. Keyes told a radio interviewer that Mary Cheney was a "selfish hedonist." Then, without having been asked anything about his own family, he volunteered that "if my daughter were a lesbian, I'd look at her and say, 'That is a relationship that is based on selfish hedonism.' I would also tell my daughter that it's a sin and she needs to pray to the Lord God to help her deal with that sin."

Maya heard the comments and recoiled. "It was kind of strange that he said it like a hypothetical," she says. "It was really kind of unpleasant."

Alan Keyes (R) has made a career as a controversialist, an eloquent and passionate defender of traditional values and conservative thinking. He has run for the Senate three times and the presidency twice. Like his daughter, he took time away from education because of his politics, leaving Cornell University as a freshman after getting into a heated dispute with black students who had taken over the student center.

Maya is also an eloquent iconoclast, at once an adult and an adolescent, testing society's limits even as she expects her parents to give her the love and support they always have provided.
Her parents have known that Maya is a lesbian since they found a copy of the Washington Blade, the gay weekly, in her room and confronted her at the end of high school (she went to Oakcrest School for Girls, a Catholic school in McLean run by the church's highly devout Opus Dei movement.) Ever since, Maya says, her parents have told her that her sexuality is wrong and sinful.
"As long as I was quiet about being gay or my politics, we got along," she says. "Then I went to the Counterinaugural," last month's protests in Washington against President Bush. "My father didn't like that."

Maya returned from the demonstration to find that she had been let go from her job at her father's political organization.
She says she was told to leave her father's apartment and not to expect any money toward attending Brown University, where she was admitted but deferred matriculation to spend a year teaching in southern India. "In my father's view, financing my college would be financing my politics, in a sense," Maya says, "because I plan to be an activist after college."

She wrote to her parents to tell them about tomorrow's speech, but says she got no response.
After I contacted Alan Keyes's office, press secretary Connie Hair called back with a prepared statement from him: "My daughter is an adult, and she is responsible for her own actions. What she chooses to do has nothing to do with my work or political activities." End of statement.

Maya, too, has had her testy moments, which she has shared on the Internet. "Sometimes I cannot believe I am related to this man," she wrote in her online diary last fall. "Haha though I'm sure he feels the same way about me."

In another passage, she wrote of her parents: "I'm all about working for global justice. THEY don't care about that. THEY only care that I am an evil dyke."
Maya is more conflicted than her online rants might indicate. She shares some of her dad's political and religious foundations. She is religious and deeply opposes abortion, viewing it as the taking of life.

Still, when I asked Maya whether she is glad her father lost the election, she stopped short. "Should you really be asking that question? I mean, I suppose there is a conflict, but I'm not sure I wanted him to lose. I disagree with nearly all his views, but he's very honest and has a lot of integrity."

If she could talk to her parents now, she would tell them she does not intend to hurt them by going public. "I wish the fact that I was gay was not something that would hurt them either," she says. "It wasn't anything they did that made me this way. I really don't see why what I think should affect him in any way."

During the campaign, other bloggers discovered Maya's Web site and the electronic gossip flew for a while, but her sexuality was barely mentioned in the campaign or the corporate media.
The end of the campaign brought no respite from the tensions at home. Two weeks ago, her parents said she would have to make her own way. "After all the arguments and tensions over the years, I always hoped it would never actually get to this point," Maya wrote, "although I suppose given our vastly divergent political beliefs, it was inevitable."

But her friends told her no, there was nothing remotely inevitable about the break, that political differences and even sexual orientation ought not result in being kicked out. Maya wrote: "They say most parents would be thrilled to have a child who doesn't smoke, have sex, do drugs, hardly drinks. . . , does well in school, gets good grades, gets into the Ivy League. . . , goes regularly to church, spends free time mentoring kids."

Maya still sounds more sad than angry about her situation. "I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt my father," she says. Like other gay relatives of prominent conservatives, she has struggled with how public to be about her sexuality. Like former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's sister Candace, who campaigned for John Kerry on behalf of a gay rights group, Maya says she has come to believe that "while we might be trading on our prominence, it's a good thing to do something good with our situation, and anyway, we didn't choose to be queer."

Maya is looking for work, planning to move in with friends in Washington or a brother in Boston. She hopes to get back in touch with her mom and dad.

On Thursday, the Point Foundation, a San Francisco-based charity that provides scholarships to students "who have been marginalized because of their sexual orientation," decided to pay Maya's expenses so she can begin her studies at Brown. "Many of the students we support have been disowned by their families because they've been honest about who they are," said the foundation's executive director, Vance Lancaster. "Maya's situation is especially poignant because of her father's position, but it's a situation that happens every day to hundreds of kids across the country." This year, Point has received more than 1,200 applications for about 40 scholarships.

Maya Keyes is looking for answers to all those conservatives who e-mail her about how she's going to burn in hell and to all those liberals who e-mail her about how she's a traitor because she won't disavow her father. And then there are the people who think she's a whiny brat, "that I'm immature for thinking that I want my parents to talk to me."

"It all seems kind of ridiculous," she says, "because I love him. He's my father." A man who specializes in explaining the complexities of a trying world ought to be able to see something as simple as that.

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Chineke meh!!!
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is sooooooo funny!
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Post by juventuss »

chei.... see yawa.
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Post by Mudi E »

One is beginning to wonder if half the population is gay!!! Na wa O
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Post by SUYA »

Oggggggggbbbbuuunnniiigggwwwweewwwwwww ! :shock:
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Post by Ziontrain »

One by one all these "holier than than" okers are beign embarassed and exposed.
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Post by muzines »

I don't see how the guy is being exposed. His daughter is gay, and he cuts her off. Tells me he does what he preaches. If he was cuddling her and talks about other people, then he's a hypocrite. I don't agree with him exactly about cutting her off, but he's a stand up guy.
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Post by Cellular »

muzines wrote:I don't see how the guy is being exposed. His daughter is gay, and he cuts her off. Tells me he does what he preaches. If he was cuddling her and talks about other people, then he's a hypocrite. I don't agree with him exactly about cutting her off, but he's a stand up guy.
Ya Mumurity is reaching a different level... di man knew his daughter was a lesbian when he made the statement regarding Cheney's daughter...

He cut his daughter off when she decided to go public... so as to avoid looking like a hypocrite...

Akin to don't ask don't tell policy... if you wan be a lesbian not in my house or do am for private so I can continue to live a lie and being a hypocrite...

Seriously, Muzines ya own don pass be careful...

Ps. Yes, I know, am a moron!

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Post by akamoke »

Why does it seem like I knew this a long time ago..I thought his daughter actually cut him off when he was attempting to run for Illinois senate

I agree with Muzines though, if one thing you can say about Keyes here is that he is not a hypocrite in this matter
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Post by Cristao »

i fail to see how he is an hypocrite .. i admire his honesty in this matter ..
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Post by Cellular »

Cristao wrote:i fail to see how he is an hypocrite .. i admire his honesty in this matter ..
Do you guys read the article or do you just read the headlines?

See the quote below...
Her parents have known that Maya is a lesbian since they found a copy of the Washington Blade, the gay weekly, in her room and confronted her at the end of high school (she went to Oakcrest School for Girls, a Catholic school in McLean run by the church's highly devout Opus Dei movement.) Ever since, Maya says, her parents have told her that her sexuality is wrong and sinful.
"As long as I was quiet about being gay or my politics, we got along," she says. "Then I went to the Counterinaugural," last month's protests in Washington against President Bush. "My father didn't like that."
Once again, as long as she was quiet about it, he was okay with it... but should she make it public he has no option but to appear not to be a hypocrite....

Please, how else can you define hypocrite?

Hypocrite: one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not;

b: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue

The man is doing this so as not to appear a hypocrite... tok about hedonistic!!!

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Post by muzines »

he wasn't really sure if the girl was just confused or going thru a phase. that happens with kids, after all she was still in high school. When she decided to go out and protest at a gay rally means that the thing is serious, and he had to act. It's called tough love. The man is a stand up guy.
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Post by Ziontrain »

muzines wrote:he wasn't really sure if the girl was just confused or going thru a phase..
You heard this from Alan while having lunch with him many years ago? Or are you making up excuses for this blatant hypocrisy by The Reverend Alan Keys? Obviously you dont know him.

Pharisees, all of these damn fools. Damn pharisees........
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Post by muzines »

i think democrats need to get a life. all they do is go about looking for bad things about republicans. I guess that' wht losing does to u. staring with bill oreilly, to armstrong, and even cosby, u guys are just pathetic. in the mean time, the republicans keep winning and u guys keep whining.

u guys need to really get a life, and focus on more important things.
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Post by Jimi »

It is these bufoonic hardline conservatives that have the most skeletons in their closets. He was probably too busy yelling and preaching to notice his daughter turn into a dyke. There is going to be so much hypocrisy in the air for the next four years, we all might just choke on it at this rate.
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Post by GIN »

Muzines, Keyes is a hypocrite to the hundredth degree. Did he not criticize Hilary for running for senate out of new york but turned around and did the same thing in Illinois?
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Post by cic old boy »

Cellular wrote:
muzines wrote:I don't see how the guy is being exposed. His daughter is gay, and he cuts her off. Tells me he does what he preaches. If he was cuddling her and talks about other people, then he's a hypocrite. I don't agree with him exactly about cutting her off, but he's a stand up guy.
Ya Mumurity is reaching a different level... di man knew his daughter was a lesbian when he made the statement regarding Cheney's daughter...

He cut his daughter off when she decided to go public... so as to avoid looking like a hypocrite...

Akin to don't ask don't tell policy... if you wan be a lesbian not in my house or do am for private so I can continue to live a lie and being a hypocrite...

Seriously, Muzines ya own don pass be careful...

Ps. Yes, I know, am a moron!
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Post by mcal »

I believe the devil cuddles with the republicans hypocrits. Wonders shall never end. Who's family will it be next.

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